Should schools ban students from using mobile phones while in school?


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Some people have said that the use of mobile devices by students in school can be a form of distraction as some of them have this attitude of not focusing on learning while in school. Do you see it as a good move for schools to prohibit the use of mobile devices by students while in school?
This is absurd as far as I'm concerned. Phones can't be banned in schools now. We are way past that stage.
They were banned when I was in high school in the mid 2000’s, so this uproar isn’t anything new.

You’re supposed to pay attention in school, not racking up your Candy Crush score.
I think phones should be banned during classroom lessons because phones can be distracting when a student is playing loud music and videos during class with their phone.

Using phones outside the classroom like during lunch or recess should be allowed because some students may need to call their parents for an important reason.
Phones were not permitted in school during school time but I went to high school in the late 90's (yes, I'm old). At that time, everyone didn't have cell phones stuck to their ears like they do now.

I think the reason there is an uproar over kids having cell phones at school is because parents want to be able to get ahold of their kid(s) anything they want. Before, you'd have to call the front office and ask the staff upfront if you can talk to your kid. Well, if there's something going on at the school and the parents want to talk to their kid to see if they're okay, the parents want to be able to talk to their kids right then and there instead of having to wait for someone to go get them. In some scenarios, it may not be possible because too many parents are calling the front office to talk to their kid. So the parents are always going to grip and throw a fit that they want to be able to get ahold of their kid if there's ever a problem while they are at school.
Phones were not permitted in school during school time but I went to high school in the late 90's (yes, I'm old). At that time, everyone didn't have cell phones stuck to their ears like they do now.

I think the reason there is an uproar over kids having cell phones at school is because parents want to be able to get ahold of their kid(s) anything they want. Before, you'd have to call the front office and ask the staff upfront if you can talk to your kid. Well, if there's something going on at the school and the parents want to talk to their kid to see if they're okay, the parents want to be able to talk to their kids right then and there instead of having to wait for someone to go get them. In some scenarios, it may not be possible because too many parents are calling the front office to talk to their kid. So the parents are always going to grip and throw a fit that they want to be able to get ahold of their kid if there's ever a problem while they are at school.

Taking into account the constant shooting up at schools lately, parents are to be worried.
Phones were not permitted in school during school time but I went to high school in the late 90's (yes, I'm old). At that time, everyone didn't have cell phones stuck to their ears like they do now.

I think the reason there is an uproar over kids having cell phones at school is because parents want to be able to get ahold of their kid(s) anything they want. Before, you'd have to call the front office and ask the staff upfront if you can talk to your kid. Well, if there's something going on at the school and the parents want to talk to their kid to see if they're okay, the parents want to be able to talk to their kids right then and there instead of having to wait for someone to go get them. In some scenarios, it may not be possible because too many parents are calling the front office to talk to their kid. So the parents are always going to grip and throw a fit that they want to be able to get ahold of their kid if there's ever a problem while they are at school.

Late 90s? You're young! lol.
I think not having a cell phone can be a safety concern. Students may need to call the police if they see a person holding a knife, or gun at school or near their school.

Students may need to use a cell phone to call the police to report their teacher or another student for commiting a serious crime like seriously beating up a student.
I think not having a cell phone can be a safety concern. Students may need to call the police if they see a person holding a knife, or gun at school or near their school.

Students may need to use a cell phone to call the police to report their teacher or another student for commiting a serious crime like seriously beating up a student.

I believe the challenge is students making use of these devices to surf the internet when they are in school. That's my biggest worry.
I don’t think they were ever outright banned in schools. All the phone bans were just during class, or during normal school hours.

Yeah, that's something I can live with. I can't accept having my kids without a phone in school which I would reach them with.
I believe the challenge is students making use of these devices to surf the internet when they are in school. That's my biggest worry.

I think there should be rules on what category of websites students can visit on a smartphone or PC. I think using a smartphone to visit a encyclopedia, dictionary, or math website could be useful when people are doing homework in class.
I think there should be rules on what category of websites students can visit on a smartphone or PC. I think using a smartphone to visit a encyclopedia, dictionary, or math website could be useful when people are doing homework in class.
Why would they have their PC in class? If it’s one of those schools where they issue the kids laptops, their internet is restricted through software means. That’s much more efficient than expecting a kid to pinky swear to not be on YouTube during class on their phone.

Also, unless it’s study hall, they wouldn’t be doing homework during class.
I'm fine with them being banned during class (when they're just going to be distracting) - but, I don't think it's reasonable to ban them from school altogether.

I think that ship sailed long ago.
I think there should be rules on what category of websites students can visit on a smartphone or PC. I think using a smartphone to visit a encyclopedia, dictionary, or math website could be useful when people are doing homework in class.

Now, is there a way to monitor the sites that they are visiting with their personal mobile phones?
I'm fine with them being banned during class (when they're just going to be distracting) - but, I don't think it's reasonable to ban them from school altogether.

I think that ship sailed long ago.

So, your point is that they can use it at certain intervals during breaks?
I grew up without a smartphone in high school when everyone else did. We did have Chromebooks though. Learning for the most part was depending on the teacher if we needed to use a Chromebook in class. We did have proxies as a workaround on the Chromebook. I mostly had that for Youtube and a Forum but there was a time they didn't work and my graduating year it wasn't needed. Anything a phone can do that could do so unless it's after-hours phones wouldn't really be needed.