So, gaming podcasts?


Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner
Full GL Member
Do you listen to any of them? And if so, what ones?

Personally I'm not really a fan of any of them, but hey, that could change if some of the suggestions here are any good.
I fell like podcast are out of date since allows the streamers to archive their streams. Just my opinion, but I like going back to watch streams I miss vs just listening to them.
I fell like podcast are out of date since allows the streamers to archive their streams. Just my opinion, but I like going back to watch streams I miss vs just listening to them.
You typically don't listen to podcasts to hear a streamer playing a game though.

I like to listen to the EZA Podcast and their secondary one called Frame Trap. EZA is a group composed of the guys that were at Gametrailers when it went under. I also like listening to IGN's GameScoop.
I really enjoy listening to the Completely Unnecessary Podcast. It stars Pat the NES Punk and his friend Ian who runs a retro game store. It's really entertaining to hear about what goes on in the retro game collecting scene, and other gaming news.
I don't really listen to any podcasts. The closest thing I got to listening to a podcast is watching Alpharad's Story For Glory episodes and even then I think they are average at best and boring at worst. Other than that I don't seem to find time for them.
You typically don't listen to podcasts to hear a streamer playing a game though.

I like to listen to the EZA Podcast and their secondary one called Frame Trap. EZA is a group composed of the guys that were at Gametrailers when it went under. I also like listening to IGN's GameScoop.

Makes sense. Guess it's like listening to radio vs watching tv.