Subtitles in games


GamingLatest Slave
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Are you the type of person who has subtitles on or off in your games? I have them on so I don't miss any dialogue in the action. Most of the times this helps but sometimes the subtitles are poor. It's the only entertainment medium where I do use subtitles though.
I do as sometimes I can't make out what the people might be saying. Not sure if its just my hearing going or just my room setup. Though I know one day surround sound speakers will fix this :grin:
I always play with subtitles if possible. There are times when the music drowns out the person speaking and its a life saver there.
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I usually like subtitles since some characters and voice actors may have accents which don't speak good English. Subtitles are useful for RPG games where you sometimes need to complete quest by talking to other characters.
I feel annoyed if the games I palyed has a subtitle. Why not set it the the language you are comfortable with? Well, I respect those who love subtitles.
Subtitles always distract, though they aren't as bad if the subtitles are in the same language as the audio is.
But 2 different languages becomes problematic.(憤然)