Tales Of Arise

anything good on the survey?
Pretty good they asked what Tales Games you want to be remastered and you can tell them stuff you want with the series.
Need a modern bring back of Abyss.
Not a fan of Luke.

Told them to do a Tales Of Symphonia remake because of Sheena's nice PLOT and waifu options lol and Tales Of Graces F remake in unreal engine 5. And next Tales Games with multiple possible endings and waifu options would be nice lol and that they should at least do a remaster and english localization of of Tales Of Rebirth.
Not a fan of Luke.

Told them to do a Tales Of Symphonia remake because of Sheena's nice PLOT and waifu options lol and Tales Of Graces F remake in unreal engine 5. And next Tales Games with multiple possible endings and waifu options would be nice lol and that they should at least do a remaster and english localization of of Tales Of Rebirth.

you dare diss Tear?
Read this, translated by Siliconera:

Tales of series Producer Yusuke Tomizawa shared several key development details regarding the design Tales of Arise during CEDEC + KYUSHU 2021. Additionally, Hiroshi Matsuyama CEO of Cyberconnect2 served as a moderator for the presentation. During the CEDEC + KYUSHU 2021 conference, Tomizawa revealed the key points on which the title was created around. This included making sure that Tales of Arise would be an immersive, stress free experience for players.

Additionally, the title was developed to be friendly, and as a gateway to those who have never played a Tales of title. Tomizawa noted that one of the things the development team felt was necessary to the title was keeping an emphasis on characters. The development team set out to create a Tales of title with these key components in mind.

Tomizawa also revealed that the wider range of difficulty available in Tales of Arise was for player convenience. He mentioned that due to the change in combat, it would potentially be harder for players to proceed. This is why difficulty selection is available in Tales of Arise. The team wanted to make sure players could progress the story without any issue.
Tried out Modder yw emoose's mod, Arise-SDK, pushing the effects, LOD and stuff past the highest default settings, works great, eliminating almost all shadows popups and far LOD . A must for PC version and you can go really "nuts" with the mod if your PC can handle it but it can also break the game.

Arise-SDK is a small DLL mod that gives modders access to engine internals (thanks to UnrealFinderTool's SDK dumper), :

  • Allows changing the NPC fadeout/despawn distance, letting NPCs stay visible for much further, along with changing the LOD distances of them!
  • Can increase the distance that enemies spawn at / are visible for, allowing much more enemies to be visible at once, without fading out early!
  • Resizes skits/cutscenes to render at (or above) the same resolution as the game, greatly reducing aliasing and improving quality of them.
  • Makes cutscenes & animations run at your native refresh rate instead of being locked to 30/60FPS, via UE4's subframe interpolation feature
  • Dev-console will now automatically be unlocked at game startup (needs 1 INI change to work, see "Troubleshooting" section below), Cheat/ReadOnly-flagged cvars can also be modified without errors
  • Can prevent the game from switching to fullscreen 720p on launch, so the game will no longer break DPI aware apps in the background like Steam & others (see README for how to set this up)
  • Allows game to load in loose, cooked files without needing to pak them first (allows hot-swapping files without needing to restart game, should be most useful for modders testing out their changes!)
  • Lets you specify your own custom r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution & r.ScreenPercentage values, without the game overwriting them in memory
  • Can prevent the chromatic aberration effect from being applied to the game
  • Fixes the r.TemporalAA.Upsampling cvar, letting you enable "TAAU" upsampling via Engine.ini or the dev-console (can also slightly improve TAA's visuals)
  • Exposes new CVars for various things (list below), letting you change things like the custom Sharpen filters added by ToA (Imgsli / Imgsli)
  • Removes limit from r.Shadow.DistanceScale, so it can be set beyond 2x (increasing this will let the shadows render out further, but will decrease the quality of them unless MaxCSMResolution is also increased)
  • Adds ~708 CVars for modifying various FPostProcessSettings values (can be modified at runtime, and through Engine.ini - see my workflow guide for the best way to handle these)
Arise-SDK also adds new CVars to the game to allow customizing some extra things, these can be set through Arise-SDK.ini, through the dev-console, or via Engine.ini tweaking:

  • sdk.CharaSharpenFilterStrength - adjust sharpen filter applied to characters
  • sdk.StageSharpenFilterStrength - adjust sharpen filter applied to the game world
  • sdk.MinStageEdgeBaseDistance - allows increasing the distance that cel-shading is applied for
  • sdk.DisableCutsceneCA - whether to prevent chromatic aberration from being applied (this setting affects the whole game, not just cutscenes)
  • sdk.CutsceneRenderFix - enable/disable skit cutscene resolution scaling
  • sdk.CutsceneScreenPercentage - allows setting a cutscene-only ScreenPercentage value, will only apply to skits, the main game will be unaffected
  • sdk.CutsceneAllowSubframes - whether or not UE4's subframe interpolation will be applied to cutscenes (allowing 30/60FPS cutscenes to run at your screens refresh rate instead)
  • sdk.TAAJitterScale - adjust jittering applied to the games TAA (game default has this set to 0, doesn't really seem to work that well, was probably disabled for a reason...)
  • sdk.TAASharpness - adjust sharpening effect applied to TAA
  • sdk.CharaLODMultiplier - allows multiplying character/monster LOD distances
  • sdk.MonsterDistanceMultiplier - allows changing the distance that enemies spawn & despawn at
  • sdk.CharaDisableCull - allows disabling the culling system for characters, fixing the issue with character sounds being muted depending on camera angle - sadly this can have quite a performance hit though, so isn't really recommended
  • sdk.UseUE4TAA - forces the game to use UE4's TAA implementation, instead of the custom one used by the game - this might allow the AA to affect more things, as some of the UE4 code specifically only checks for this
  • r.ForceLOD - normally only part of UE4 debug builds; allows forcing static mesh LOD level, instead of needing to use r.StaticMeshLODDistanceScale
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Zero Suit Shionne mod lol
Asuna's head on Shionne's body mod lol

More detailed stuff from Arise-SDK mod:


; If the game briefly switches resolution on startup to 720p, you can fix that by using Arise-SDK
; The SDK currently requires you to specify your resolution in Engine.ini though - you can do that here by uncommenting this line
; The f at the end chooses what mode, w = windowed, f = fullscreen, wf = borderless-fullscreen

; Arise-specific cvars follow

; previously INI would set this to 0, but that seems to disable SSR in certain areas
; compare 0 to 1: ScreenSpaceReflectionColorDownSampledScreenScale - Imgsli
; compare 1 to 12 (12 being game default): ScreenSpaceReflectionColorDownSampledScreenScale - Imgsli
; going from 12 to 1 does seem to have a perf impact when vsync is disabled at least, not sure if it can help much when dipping below 60 though
; if you do dip below 60 maybe try setting this to 12 via dev-console
r.ScreenSpaceReflectionColorDownSampledScreenScaleTO14 = 12 ; game default = 12

r.EnableDoFTemporalAATO14 = 0 ; game default = 0
r.EnableScreenSpaceLightShaftSourceTemporalBlurTO14 = 0 ; game default = 0
r.EnableScreenSpaceLightShaftTemporalBlurTO14 = 0 ; game default = 0

; stops cloth simulation from using a fixed deltatime, may help cloth work better at higher framerates
AriseCharacter.AllowUseFixedDeltaTimeForClothSimulation=0 ; game default = 1

; Disable the NPC culling system (this needs to be done before the NPCs are loaded in, else the NPCs may get culled with no system to re-enable them...)
Arise.PF.Culling.Enable = 0 ; game default = 1

; Generic UE4 cvars follow

; How much MB to dedicate to the texture streaming system, i'd set to half of your GPUs VRAM.
r.Streaming.PoolSize = 1500 ; game default = 1000
r.Streaming.MaxTempMemoryAllowed = 128 ; game default = 50, lets increase it a little

; Arise-SDK enables using TAAU - though the game may have strange issues with image stretching when opening menus with it
; Uncomment this line to use it:
;r.TemporalAA.Upsampling = 0 ; game default = 0

r.LightMaxDrawDistanceScale = 3 ; game default = 1.0
r.StaticMeshLODDistanceScale = 0.001 ; game default = 1, 0 seems to make all static meshes use LOD0 (best LOD), if this gives bad perf try changing to 0.25
r.SkeletalMeshLODBias = -2 ; game default = 0
r.ViewDistanceScale = 3 ; game default = 1
foliage.DensityScale = 10 ; game default = 1
grass.DensityScale = 10 ; game default = 1
foliage.LODDistanceScale=10 ; game default = 1
sg.FoliageQuality=5 ; game default = 3
sg.ViewDistanceQuality=5 ; game default = 3
sg.TextureQuality=5 ; game default = 3

r.LandscapeLODDistributionScale=3 ; game default = 1.0
r.LandscapeLOD0DistributionScale=3 ; game default = 1.0
r.LandscapeLODBias=-1 ; game default = 0, -1 seems to help with landscape growing/shrinking in size as you get closer to it (doesn't help with landscape textures being changed as you get near though sadly)

; Increasing the shadow distance will decrease the quality, when resolution isn't also increased
; (in a way, the effective resolution can be worked out as MaxCSMResolution / DistanceScale)
; Vanilla game doesn't let you change MaxCSMResolution from Engine.ini, as it'll overwrite in memory to 1024-4096 depending on GameUserSettings.ini
; Arise-SDK can prevent that overwrite from happening however, so we can set the resolution to 8192 here, letting us use DistanceScale 2.0 with effective resolution the same as vanilla
; In other words, this should let you extend the shadow distance, with no quality difference from vanilla
; (IMO shadow quality isn't really a big issue with this game, the shadow pop-in is much worse)


r.Shadow.DistanceScale=3 ; game default = 1
r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution=4096 ; game default = 4096 - make sure to adjust this so that CSMResolution = 4096 * DistanceScale
r.Shadow.MaxResolution=2048 ; game default = 2048, doesn't seem used though
r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades = 3

; Disable any kind of Chromatic Aberration
r.SceneColorFringeQuality = 1 ; game default = 1
sdk.DisableCutsceneCA = 1 ; Arise-SDK cvar, you may want to set DisableCutsceneCA inside Arise-SDK.ini to true as well

r.RefractionQuality=2 ; default 2
r.DepthOfFieldQuality=2 ; default 2 -- set to "0" if Depth of Field bothers you! (i.e. if you get motion sickness easily, etc)

r.SSR.Quality=3 ; game default = 3
r.SSS.HalfRes=1 ; game default = 1

r.LightFunctionQuality=1 ; game default = 1
r.LensFlareQuality=2 ; default 2

r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusScale=1 ; game default = 1, slight scaling of general model AO radius
r.AmbientOcclusionStaticFraction=1 ; game default = -1, same with this
r.AmbientOcclusionMaxQuality=-100 ; game default = 100, fixed to (negative) 100 (overrides postprocessvolume setting)
r.AmbientOcclusionLevels=2 ; game default = -1
r.AmbientOcclusionMipLevelFactor=0 ; game default = 0.4, 0 will always use the highest mip level regardless of postprocessing (set in Scalability), but may cause cache to be wasted (less RAM efficient), default 0.4

r.AOHeightfieldOcclusion=1 ; game default = 0
r.Bloom.Cross=0 ; game default = 0, strengthen bloom effect

r.AllowGlobalClipPlane=0 ; game default = 0, enable planar reflection

; r.PostProcessingColorFormat slightly improves foliage edges but with a big perf cost, maybe enable if you have frames to spare
;r.PostProcessingColorFormat = 0 ; game default = 0, better quality color format

r.GBufferFormat = 4 ; game default = 1, higher-precision GBuffer
r.Filter.SizeScale=2 ; game default = 1, scale up sample count for bloom/DOF
r.DFFullResolution=1 ; game default = 0, "full resolution distance field shadowing"
a.URO.Enable=0 ; game default = 1 - should fix the half-framerate-distant-monsters issue

; optimization attempts
r.UseShaderCaching=1 ; game default = 0
r.UseShaderPredraw=1 ; game default = 0
r.Streaming.FramesForFullUpdate=5 ; game default = 5
foliage.MinInstancesPerOcclusionQuery=1024 ; game default = 256, but UE4 recommended is 1024-65536...
foliage.MinVertsToSplitNode=8192 ; game default 8192
r.CreateShadersOnLoad = 1 ; game default = 0, "create shaders on load, which can reduce hitching, but use more memory", unsure if this has any effect but maybe can help

AudioThread.AboveNormalPriority=1 ; game default = 0
AudioThread.BatchAsyncBatchSize=128 ; game default = 128
r.Emitter.FastPoolEnable=1 ; game default = 0
Playing the game with no more shadows and LOD grass and static objects and terrain popups and runs great with the Arise-SDK mod, recorded a bit of gameplay and cutscene:
I wonder what ideas they have for the next game?
They are still doing mobile stuff, Tales of Luminaria The Fateful Crossroad, wasted, even after Tales Of Crestoria mobile survived only for around 1 year before they closed it down. Given the success of Tales Of Arise they should just focus on new AAA Tales Of Game or make a TOA sequel instead of mobile Tales Of Luminaria:
