PS4 The 'best' option for upgrading PS4 hard drive


GamingLatest Slave
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Most people want to upgrade their 500GB hard drive in the PS4 to something with some more space. I have personally done some research and found out the best option is the 2tb Seagate STEA2000400 hard drive, which comes in a case which you can pry open (unfortunately rendering warranty useless), and then place into the console and use the PS4 hard drive in this case for other tasks. You can read more information about this hard drive and its benefits on EuroGamer - plus installation information. Let me know if you use something else, but this is the one I fully intend to buy soon.
Awesome! I've been looking into 2 TB upgrade instead of 1 TB. Will be bookmarking this.
This a good question, what is a better hard drive? I have been thinking about it myself but I have no idea what is a good hard drive. Then again when I play and finish the game, I tend to put it away and let it built dust (then save the save data to somewhere and won't touch it for months) because I want to play other games till I finish it.
I'd imagine/hope that the next console will come with a 1tb as standard, meaning it might not be as crucial to upgrade to a 2tb. But who knows? As long as the harddrive is the same size as the one in the PS4 it should work.

I still rather have 2 TB than 1 TB mostly for the reason that downloading is still rather slow process for me in getting games digitally.