The Best Tablet for Gaming? video


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With tablets getting more and more powerful and options with Windows 10, Android and iOS available in this video I compare the best tablets to game on including the Nvidia Shield Tablet K1, Asus T100HA and iPad Mini 4 with gameplay from games like Minecraft, League of Legends and more using both a mouse and keyboard and game controller.

I think the Nvidia Shield K1 is probably the best budget tablet for gaming. But, the Asus tablet is good for playing games like League of Legends.

iPads are good if you want to get software updates for many years to come, and play exclusive iPad games.
I think the title will go to Nintendo Switch soon.
I think the title will go to Nintendo Switch soon.

I agree the title will go to the Nintendo Switch soon as long as Nintendo publish a lot of good games for the Switch, and can get third-party game makers to create games like Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and Grand Theft Auto for the Switch.
I love Microsoft's Surface Pro. However; I recently bought the Microsoft Surface Book and I love it. It does have the power to do some games, but it isn't like your typical gaming laptop. I couldn't recommend it for hardcore gaming. For lighter gaming, it works just fine.
According to reviews, Razers "Edge" probably would be one of the best tablet made entirely for the purpose of gaming. The tablet is as close as you can get to a gaming PC for on the go entertainment.