Yeah, but don't forget I'm playing the modified Gamecube version.
I also started Mega Man 2, but quit at Bubble Man. I remember him. Though playing on an actual controller is waaaaaay easier than on keyboard. Also I'm using the Duane and Brand0 technique to beat MM2.
Metal Man with mega buster
Wood Man with Meta Blades
Flash Man with Metal Blades
Bubble Man with Metal Blades
Air Man with Metal Blades (which will be easy because he's not hard at all and the song is a lie. But it's good.)
Crash Man with Air
Quick Man with Crash Bombs
Heat Man with Lead Bubble.
Also if you don't know what I mean by Duane and Brand0 technique then here it is.
It's a rap and it cusses so minor warning now.
Yeah I have on my ipod and I memorized. I'll just being walking down the halls and then out of no where be like, "I'm a super fightin robot from the year twenty ten on a quest from Dr. Light to make the city safe again." And I'd just sing the whole thing.
Also ha. That's almost my favorite part. I hated Bubble man's stage. I seriously wanted to kill someone. xD My favorite part is the part with Roll. I know it's sexist, but it's just so funny.
The whole concept of the site is. I mean computers already do that.
Also this final boss of MM2 is pissing me off. My mega buster won't work and the only thing that looks like it's doing damage is bubble lead, but he keeps killing me.
Bubble Lead IS the only thing that hurts it. Anything else heals it to full health.
He's got an easy pattern, but ramming into him costs you... 2/3?... of your health.
Bubble Lead IS the only thing that hurts it. Anything else heals it to full health.
He's got an easy pattern, but ramming into him costs you... 2/3?... of your health.
... I just did it. I just beat Wahwee's alien form. Which was easy because the game apparently comes with build in turbo. Muahahaha. It's kinda not fair though.