The General Chat topic.

Yeah. I guess after the first mission it's not too bad. Then again I'm only in the mine. I'm only like 1/4 in the game already.
Battle Network 5. Liberation missions. You have 3 turns to beat every enemy. No exceptions.
I wish to see a YouTube video consisting of nothing but this ->
rotating slowly, while "You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)" is being played.
Lol, wait until you reach the Undernet...
That's as far as I got in MMBN3 and gave up because I got lost.

Also I got MMAC today. It was actually in the mail sense yesterday so I complained about nothing. >_<
As it turns out, bark is delicious.
You mean tree bark?

Also Mega Man 1 is hard. Well ok it's really not, but disapearing blocks are a pain. >_<
Candy bark! Think chocolate slabs with pretzels and peanuts and M&Ms infused inside.
Candy bark! Think chocolate slabs with pretzels and peanuts and M&Ms infused inside.
Mmm... Sounds pretty yummy.

You mean tree bark?

Also Mega Man 1 is hard. Well ok it's really not, but disapearing blocks are a pain. >_<
Elec Man or Ice Man? Either way, the Yuko blocks in 1 are quite tame compared to others (*cough2cough*).
BTW, you know about the Ice Man/Fire Man thing, right?
It was both actually and the ones in 2 weren't that hard. I've already played 2 like 3 months ago wasn't too hard.

Also no I didn't know so when I went to fight Ice Man I tried Fire and got my ace kicked to the curb. >_< DANG YOU NINTENDO LODGIC! Also Wily's stage is hard. Like the freaking boss that's like Mecha Dragon from 2.
I don't remember fighting Fireman, but if memory serves he wasn't that hard. He took like 2 hits from my cutter. No that was Elec Man.

Also I'm stuck. On Wily's stage there's this pathway going up so I figure there's magic blocks, but nothing shows up and it's way to high to jump. What do I do?
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