Well folks, looks like it's that time of years again. Feels like only yesterday I was sitting around the table, giving thanks, and most importantly, expanding a wide empire I like to call, "my stomach". Only to suddenly be having visions of sugar plums, a warm fire with a happy family opening presents around the Christmas tree. Unfortunately, only to wake up and discover I've got quite a while to go, and it hasn't even started snowing yet! (I know some of you are luckier with that aspect of the season in your area) My heart pounds with excitement just thinking about such joy, and I wonder why I can handle sitting in a classroom all day long when I have so much to do! Put up the Christmas tree, hang the ornaments and stockings, plan what to get my family, and get the milk and cookies out for the big red man! Lets hope you've all been good this year, for if you're not, get ready to wake up on Christmas morning to a stocking full of coal! Of course, you still have a change to redeem yourself, after all, this is the season of giving! Now I understand with the economy and all money can be tight ( At least it is in America), but even a simple "Hello, have a happy holiday" to someone out on the street can make your and their day, and when you give a little love, it'll all come back to you, that's a promise! To make this season special, my family and I do some special things. I enjoy watching ABC family every night this month for their "25 Days of Christmas" where they play Christmas classics every night. Rudolf, Santa Claus is Coming to town, and Frosty the Snowman never get old for me. Little things like advent calenders or shaking the presents usually somewhat satisfy my thirst until the night I've been waiting for, Christmas Eve! My entire family gets together, has a feast, opens our stockings, and get around the fire late at night, and share joy and laughter. When I get home I jump into bed, trying desperately to close my eyes and wake up to presents underneath a shining tree, with smiling friends and family. Of course, we all have to remember that their is something far beyond commercial Christmas, that differs between religions. I have to remind myself that the true meaning of this holiday is the birth of our savior, Jesus, and I must apoligize to all Jewish people, but I don't know much about the story behind your holiday, feel free to educate me though!
Well, after writing all that, I must say I suddenly have a craving for milk and cookies. So, what does your family do for Christmas, and if you're Jewish, how is your Hanukkah is going right now?
No matter what holiday you celebrate, I hope you have a joyful holiday season!