Nintendo The Mini-NES


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Update: It's been confirmed that the 30 games in this system is all that it will get.

What will surely boggle the mind of any old person who owned an original Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo has announced today the Mini-NES.

This compact and small version of the original NES will be coming this holiday on November 11th 2016 for $60 complete with a matching classic controller, power adapter and HDMI cable. It will come with the following 30 pre-installed games:

  • Balloon Fight
  • Castlevania
  • Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest
  • Donkey Kong
  • Donkey Kong Jr.
  • Dr. Mario
  • Excitebike
  • Galaga
  • Ice Climber
  • Kid Icarus
  • Kirby’s Adventure
  • Mario Bros.
  • MEGA MAN® 2
  • Metroid
  • Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream
  • StarTropics
  • Super Mario Bros.
  • Super Mario Bros. 2
  • Super Mario Bros. 3
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
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I wouldn't buy one for myself but it seems like a good gift to give to kids >.<

or my parents who only enjoyed the NES. Honestly it be better if a person guts it out, slap in a raspberry pi and then play the entire NES game list via usb, someone will do this.

also first post updated that no further games will be added.
Looks like a pretty cool console with all the games for only $60. Would be good if you don't have a NES or as a gift.
For what it is, it does seem kinda pricey. Sure it does come with a controller which can be used to play virtual console games. Plus the games it does come with (to buy them all on virtual console) would cost around $150 or so. But even so there are some questionable design decisions here.
The cap of games seems strange, why not have a method to allow users to download more? I mean they have a virtual console... system memory is relatively cheap and NES games don't take a lot of space to begin with. (I mean a 1GB memory card would probably hold every NES game ever made and then a significant portion of SNES games...) The cheapest processor/parts they could likely get for this would still probably be dozens of times more powerful than the NES was. Even adding a wifi adapter wouldn't bump up the cost that much though it would make it more attractive.

Honestly I'm not even sure who this product is targeted to. I mean with the Virtual Console most people have had the opportunity to play those games for a while. And they aren't really adding much new to entice people. And fans of those games have likely already played those games (some may even own physical copies).
For what it is, it does seem kinda pricey. Sure it does come with a controller which can be used to play virtual console games. Plus the games it does come with (to buy them all on virtual console) would cost around $150 or so. But even so there are some questionable design decisions here.
The cap of games seems strange, why not have a method to allow users to download more? I mean they have a virtual console... system memory is relatively cheap and NES games don't take a lot of space to begin with. (I mean a 1GB memory card would probably hold every NES game ever made and then a significant portion of SNES games...) The cheapest processor/parts they could likely get for this would still probably be dozens of times more powerful than the NES was. Even adding a wifi adapter wouldn't bump up the cost that much though it would make it more attractive.

Honestly I'm not even sure who this product is targeted to. I mean with the Virtual Console most people have had the opportunity to play those games for a while. And they aren't really adding much new to entice people. And fans of those games have likely already played those games (some may even own physical copies).

I think the bigger question is why are they doing this and why now at this point in time?
This looks like a good gift for people who have not played some of these games, and want to play them on an official Nintendo console. It is also nice of Nintendo to include an HDMI cable.