The Ukraine Crisis

I understand that no one wants a world war because that's what would happen if we set up a no-fly zone but it's crazy to think that we're just sitting and watching Russia invade and kill people in Ukraine.

Nuclear threat is a very serious thing, sadly.
I understand that no one wants a world war because that's what would happen if we set up a no-fly zone but it's crazy to think that we're just sitting and watching Russia invade and kill people in Ukraine.

Nuclear threat is a very serious thing, sadly.

The thing is NATO is behaving exactly like what Putin wanted by doing that, he is a really capable military commander albeit a mad one but that's not enough for him and his military power to last long VS the world, and thus it's a risk that must be taken, a "No-Fly Zone" must be put over Ukraine's airspace.

Saw another pic of civilian casualties:
I keep seeing articles of diplomats trying to work out ceasefires but it still hasn't stopped and each side blaming each other for it.
I agree with the no-fly zone, and I think we should call Putin's bluff. It's not that I don't think he's capable of launching the nukes himself, he's clearly deranged. I think there's a lot of people in his inner circle that a nuclear war would be very, very bad for. His oligarchs don't want to die, they want to make money. If it gets to the point of him launching a nuke, I'm pretty sure those people would say enough is enough.

Russia doesn't want to be enemy of the world, and with Putin at the helm they have become just that.
sounds like Russia is going to legalize Hollywood movies piracy, read from CBR:

In a statement, a ministry representative stated, "The possibility of lifting restrictions on the use of intellectual property contained in certain goods, the supply of which to Russia is limited, is being considered... This will smooth out the impact on the market of breaks in supply chains, as well as the shortage of goods and services that arose due to new sanctions by Western countries."

Moreover, Dmitry Ionin, a member of the State Duma (a body of the Russian parliament), appeared to suggest the government would also allow for the use of torrent sites to pirate Hollywood films that will no longer play in Russian theaters.