Jul 11, 2012 #21 GracefulAssassin Mori Hater Credits 1,010 The 3DS emits better sound quality, so that is not surprising.
Jul 11, 2012 #22 Demon_Skeith Administrator Staff member Administrator Credits 55,476 I win in the end by waiting
Jul 19, 2012 #24 Demon_Skeith Administrator Staff member Administrator Credits 55,476 I am on day 3 with beat, I'm loving this game's plot. Also I haven't play a mini game this fun since the card game in final fantasy 9. They need to make a tin pin slammer game!
I am on day 3 with beat, I'm loving this game's plot. Also I haven't play a mini game this fun since the card game in final fantasy 9. They need to make a tin pin slammer game!
Jul 19, 2012 #26 Demon_Skeith Administrator Staff member Administrator Credits 55,476 I have some idea who the composer is. I'm just wondering if SE really made it that easy to guess
Jul 19, 2012 #27 Lleyn Beep Full GL Member Credits 1,000 It was pretty easy to guess if you did pay attention to be honest. But most of the story went against that theory so i pretty much discarded it
It was pretty easy to guess if you did pay attention to be honest. But most of the story went against that theory so i pretty much discarded it
Jul 20, 2012 #28 Demon_Skeith Administrator Staff member Administrator Credits 55,476 Tin pin slam got hard, they don't give you enough time to play!
Jul 20, 2012 #30 Demon_Skeith Administrator Staff member Administrator Credits 55,476 Can you play with people online with this game?
Jul 20, 2012 #31 Lleyn Beep Full GL Member Credits 1,000 Not sure, i never played it online, only with friends, but from what i recall, you can't.
Jul 20, 2012 #32 Demon_Skeith Administrator Staff member Administrator Credits 55,476 damn, you got lucky from facing my mad skills!
Jul 20, 2012 #33 Lleyn Beep Full GL Member Credits 1,000 Say that after you beat the guys from the extras
Jul 20, 2012 #34 Demon_Skeith Administrator Staff member Administrator Credits 55,476 One look from me and there pins will shatter