This was too short to post in the pokemon black/white board.


Well-Known Member
What are they calling the black/white combined game though? Calling it Pokemon Gray just sounds really apathetic. Itd be like calling it pokemon meh.
OH MY CHARMANDER now that idea is stuck in my head. They should most definitely call it Pokemon meh, and see what the public thinks. Because that really is all it will amount to, I honestly can't think of many places they can go from here.
Pokemon Black AND White. *Shifty eyes*
All things considered, Grey really would make the most sense. Although 'Colourless'(or something along those lines; 'colourless' itself is too long) could also work.
Pokémon Brown... >_>'

You mean Pokémon Poop Version? Hey, that's what I'd call it.

Pokémon (whipped?) Cream Version!

Pokémon Onix Version?

Pokémon Topaz?

Gah, who knows? I'm expecting the follow-up of Black/White to be Grey. But Yin Yang would be much more awesome.

I really don't care though, just LEMME CATCH A PIKACHU, DARN IT!
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