This year in Movies


Well-Known Member
Alright, my little rant about this year. The Damned Cinema. It is... depressing to me.
I mean, I can find more original thoughts watching MTV or listening to Mainstream Radio.
The amount of unnecessary reboots and Prequels/Sequels that didn't need to happen is outstanding. And those are just those of that type. A majority of the remainder are book/comic book to movie. Where is all the creativity? Where's all the movie magic? Did Toy Story 3 really convince all major movie companies that they could stop trying and start Prequeling/Sequeling?
I mean lets take a look:
Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World
Winnie the Pooh
Conan the Barbarian
Transformers 3
Cars 2 (Sorry for you fans out there)
Kung fu Panda 2
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Mr. Poppers Penguins
Green Hornet
Green Lantern
Captain America
Hangover 2

Now before you flame me for putting your favorite movie ever on that list, I'm not saying they all sucked, I'm just saying where did all the originality go? [/Rant over]
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Well that's life. There's nothing more so everyone has to steal idea's. That's why music now sucks because it's been done. 3/4 of every song has the same title as another one, most of the beats are stolen. Same goes for movies. It's been done and nothing is original. Let's go down the list.

Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World- I didn't even know about this. Seriously though it was good as a trilogy. It doesn't need another.
Winnie the Pooh- ... I have no words.
Conan the Barbarian- Already done before
Transformers 3- The first two movies weren't even that good. So that foreshadows this. Besides everyone's going to be pissed because that one chick isn't in it.
Footloose- It's been done.
Cars 2- It isn't even the same as the first movie.
Kung fu Panda 2- I've never seen the first one, but all Disney sequals are worse than the original. It only worked for Toy Story.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes- I honestly don't know anything about Planet of the Apes.
Mr. Poppers Penguins- I read the book. I can't remember if there was a movie of it.
Green Hornet- Most likly another generic super hero movie.
Green Lantern- Same
Captain America- Same
Hangover 2- Well I think the hangover is the worst movie I've ever seen in my life. Well it was the worst 5 minutes of any movie I've ever watched because I couldn't get through it. Same with Super Bad. It lasted 3 minutes. I couldn't stand the whole drawing genitals thing. So obviously I have nothing good to say about this movie.
Most of the movies in that list though are yet to be released this year or WERE released this year. But, on the more prominent topic, I know the IDEAS are gonna be the same, heck it's been that way for a long time, but using concepts, and just doing straight reboots/sequels is different. At least if I watch Iron Man, and the go watch the Incredible Hulk, I don't walk away feeling like I just saw the same movie twice. If I watch the original Footloose, and then go see the reboot, how much can I expect to be different?
I dunno about the movies this year sucking hard. My thoughts:

Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World - I thought the third one was bad, so why are they making a fourth?
Winnie the Pooh - And they're advertising this why?
Conan the Barbarian - I'm assuming this is a reused idea?
Transformers 3 - (Possibly?) Unlike Elvis, I tend to like sequels a lot. Spy Kids is a counterexample solely because IMO they all sucked.
Footloose - Wait, what? Is this necessary?
Cars 2 - I thought it looked stupid first time around too. Now, I really want to see it.
Kung fu Panda 2 - Saw it, loved it.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes - Mayyyyyyyyybe.
Mr. Poppers Penguins - I think the concept was 50-50, but they made the right call casting Jim Carrey.
Green Hornet & Green Lantern - I know the storylines are different, but why are they both "Green"?
Captain America - Huh.
Hangover 2 - From what I hear, the story's the same but the comedy is fresh. If they make a third, though, it might get a little too samey.
I have to dissagree with you on transformers because I enjoyed the first one, and even kind of sort of liked the second one (not really) but basically the people who made it admitted that tranfsormers 2 was a train wreck with comedy. Also, form the commercials, this is going to be a lot more sci-fi ohnowe'reallgoingtodieit'sarmegeddon type movie instead of the crap the second one was. But otherwise, yeah I agree with you. Except for the fact that I think I've only ever seen 3 bad movies in my life. I like almost all movies.
Transformers 3 - Only the first one was good, I am still skeptical about the new Transformers. Moreover, there's no Megan Fox in the movie so some people will probably hate the movie. I only watched Transformers not because of the story or Megan Fox, but because of the action in the movie.

Kung fu Panda 2 - This one looks good, funny and interesting to me.

Captain America - I think this might be a good movie based on the trailer that I have seen.

Try "The King's Speech", it was a great movie.
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