Too expensive?


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Do you think video games are getting way too expensive? What about consoles, are they too expensive as well? Why or why not?
I think games are getting too expensive. I remember years ago when they were $49.99, which was still a lot, but now they're $59.99. As for consoles, Sony and Microsoft ask way too much for a new system. Remember when the PS3 came out? They wanted $599 for that thing. I don't care what features it had, it wasn't worth it. An Xbox 360 was $499. Meanwhile the Wii was $249.

Then in the last generation it wasn't so bad, but the prices were still high. PS4: $399, Xbox One: $499, Wii U: $349.

Heck, even the Switch was $299. So really, the price of games are getting expensive while the prices of consoles kinda fluctuate.
Dark Young Link Dark Young Link Don't forget about inflation and all that, I think games are still priced at what you believe is $49.99 but changing money values made it jump. If I remember right, back in the day SNES games were like $70 USD or somewhere around that.

Anyways, I think games today are fairly priced if not under priced. You have to stop and think that people spend years making these, specially the long AAA titles and we're only charged $60 USD for them. Take smash bros for example, the creator worked till he passed out on the series, they could charge $100 and I gladly pay it.

That aside, games are getting a bit pricey in the DLC area. Destiny would be a good example of this, you paid like $60 for the vanilla version but then several hundred after that on expansions that were less than the main game you paid for.
Some games represent a worse value for money than other games I think. That said, I don't particularly agree with games cramming in loads of side quests and a huge open world and suggesting that is better value for money than a short narrative game which gets me involved in the story is wrong imo. If I don't think games are worth their price I wait for the price to drop - most game prices drop relatively quickly.
Nah, games are more appropriately priced than they were back in the 90s. That said, you still get some games that aren't worth the price tag attached to them, but that's when it pays to be an informed consumer.

I rarely pay full price for a game and usually wait for sales or until the price is $20 or under. Unless it is something I am really hyped for, I can wait.
Considering consoles, I don't mind the high price because you know they will be built well for that price especially when it comes from either Sony or Microsoft. The problem for me is the games becoming overpriced. I bought Rainbow Six Siege a few days ago for £15 and I thought this should be the normal price or something similar. It's a good game but there really is a lack of content. I'm not sure if I would have paid around £45 when it first came out. A game like GTA on the other hand deserves a hefty price tag because it took the developers so long and the game is absolutely amazing.
I remember when games never cost more than $25-$30 for video games. Now, games cost about twice as much. Also, consoles cost wwwaaaaaayyyy more than they use to. I remember when consoles never cost more than $100-$150. Now, they are $300, $400 or $500 a piece (depending on which one you get).
I remember when games never cost more than $25-$30 for video games. Now, games cost about twice as much. Also, consoles cost wwwaaaaaayyyy more than they use to. I remember when consoles never cost more than $100-$150. Now, they are $300, $400 or $500 a piece (depending on which one you get).
When did games max out at $25-$30?? That's gotta be well over 30 years ago.
That's what games and consoles cost when I was a kid. That seemed like a lot of money back then. Looking back, I wish I could go back to those prices.
You can but you also gotta cut your salary in half. The prices look good versus today's prices, but inflation always plays a role. What system was out when you were a kid?

When I was young I only had a GB and Genesis. Every game I got was either a gift or bought at a garage sale. I didn't have to deal with buying full price games until the Wii era. By then, I was on Steam so I learned to wait for sales.
I don't find games over priced nor the systems compared to the early days. I did buy my sega genesis for $189 on the release day and a SNES for $165. With the minimum wage being $5.50 that's a hell of a lot of money.

HOWEVER. I've been finding that companies are using dlcs to rip of gamers. In the past 3yrs I've noticed that some games pretty much REQUIRE a dlc to enjoy the game to the fullest.

Earlier this year I got hooked with playing this racing simulator(assetto Corsa) and I found out that there is 5 race tracks you have to purchase and you cannot finish the career mode without them ....................... It's a 100+ hour career mode game.
You can but you also gotta cut your salary in half. The prices look good versus today's prices, but inflation always plays a role. What system was out when you were a kid?

When I was young I only had a GB and Genesis. Every game I got was either a gift or bought at a garage sale. I didn't have to deal with buying full price games until the Wii era. By then, I was on Steam so I learned to wait for sales.

My parents bought a NES for the whole family to play on. I think I was 5 or 6 or 7 years old, somewhere in there when they brought that home. I've been a Nintendo fan ever since.
NES games were $50 on average back in 1990, which would be the same as $90 today. The system launched at $199.99, which is equivalent to $447 today.

Back in the day, with that money, all you got was a console and one game. With that money these days, you can get a PS4 Pro, an extra controller, a full priced game, and $30 leftover to spend on whatever you want.

These days, games are at their cheapest. I'm just glad we managed to maintain $60 for two generations in a row.
I feel short games can be expensive. I consider short games to be games where you can beat them in a few hours even when you do most of the the extra side quest, and collect all the items, and weapons.

I remember playing older RPG games where I spent 40 hours or more to play the games, and can spend more time if I want to, so it was worth more money to me. The Characters and story for the games kept me entertained for most of the game.
I feel short games can be expensive. I consider short games to be games where you can beat them in a few hours even when you do most of the the extra side quest, and collect all the items, and weapons.
That's one of my main problems. Like after the ARMS demo, I'll admit it's more fun than I thought, but I don't think it's worth the $60 price. I mean the single player is just an arcade mode where you fight 10 battles in a row. Sure it has a few more games modes, but even still it's not worth that much. Maybe $39.99, but even that pushes it too far. I got the Switch to play BotW and it was worth every penny and more. All $370 of it.
That's one of my main problems. Like after the ARMS demo, I'll admit it's more fun than I thought, but I don't think it's worth the $60 price. I mean the single player is just an arcade mode where you fight 10 battles in a row. Sure it has a few more games modes, but even still it's not worth that much. Maybe $39.99, but even that pushes it too far. I got the Switch to play BotW and it was worth every penny and more. All $370 of it.

$30 or less would be a better price for ARMS. 10 battles is short especially if there are not any extra sidequest, and a good story.
Eh, to be honest I don't think that games are getting outlandishly expensive. NES games used to cost anywhere between $40 to $50 and when you think about how today a single person with some skills in game design could pretty much make an NES game, that's pretty crazy. Looking at it from that perspective, I think $60 isn't too bad at all considering both the cost of development and just how much it takes these days to make a triple A title.