Trails To Azure (Zero No Kiseki + Ao No Kiseki)

Wrong PLOT book sidequest lol:
Recorded a short Scene Of Randy and his PLOT antics lol:
Read a translation update on part 2 of the game and they will release another update on the already complete english patch for part 1 of the game, to reflect Nisa's localization of Trails IV:


I’m proud to announce the Geofront’s Trails to Azure localization has officially completed its second editing pass. This update will be meatier than usual, as I’d like to give you all a behind-the-scenes look at what the process was like, the challenges that remain, and even address broader Geofront topics such as Trails from Zero’s final update and the future of Crossbell.

When we last updated five months ago, I didn’t expect the second pass to take nearly as long as it did, though I did still manage to outpace the first pass…by a whole 24 hours. The way the process worked was, I was responsible for proofreading and often rewriting each of the game’s 72,100 text boxes in the scenario. I can now say I’ve successfully either written or approved every single line of dialog in the game.

Granted, while the percentage you all have been following was entirely my progress, I was not working alone. I was fortunate enough to have Arvin and Addaberry rewrite several files before I could double pass them, as well as have them spell and grammar check the files I was done with. There have also been numerous translation checks and fixes done by our lead translator, Catasplurge.


Somewhere around the 80 percent mark, I changed methods. From there, I began internal testing by playing the game from scratch, marking off the final 20 or so percent as I went. This allowed me to write and make corrections with much-needed context and, more importantly, invite external testers despite the second pass not being over yet. External testing for Azure began on January 1st. At that time, we were at the 87 percent mark. I was able to stay ahead of the testers’ pace all the way through, so no sections they’ve played have fallen outside the scope of the second pass.

Sadly, there’s no rest for the weary. Next for me is inserting the hundreds of chest messages that will make it into the release out of the over 2,000 combined submissions that remain eligible from Zero and have been sent for Azure. I think we have a lot of good ones and a few surprises that will delight longtime Trails fans. Once I’m done with the chests, I’ll be doing a quick review of Addaberry’s non-scenario text. I have many busy weeks still ahead of me.

Speaking of the upcoming weeks, they’re sure to be filled with more testing and debugging. As the lead editor, it is difficult to impart how important this process is. I’d like to think I keep my finger on the pulse of our community to the best of my ability, and if I had to speak frankly, it’s disappointing that so few people understand how much of what the Geofront does is on a programming level. It’s easy for us to provide updates to all of you by using the editing progress because it’s a tangible thing that can be measured and easily understood. But behind the progress myself and the editors have made is a deluge of programming work done by Jose and Ribose.


Like I said in the last update, making the mod work has not been a “drag and drop” process. The truth is, even if we had not elected to do a second editing pass of the game’s scenario, there was simply no way the patch could have been released last August—not if people want a complete and functional experience like Trails from Zero is. There have been times in the last several months where actually playing our Azure has been a painful experience due to some irritating bugs and how woefully incomplete it’s been.

Slowly getting Azure to Zero’s level of quality has been incredibly trying for our programmers, and I couldn’t be more sorry for what we’ve put them through in such a short amount of time. We are, however, getting there. Every week, Azure looks more and plays more like the game we envisioned. For that, Jose and Ribose deserve a round of applause.

However, they’re not the only ones that deserve it. Our graphics maestro, Sorcerian, has also been working overtime to localize many of the game’s images and textures. Not only will Azure include all of the localized textures from Zero, but many more that are new. Just like Zero, this also covers the numerous images that appear in locations such as the Detective Notebook and even minigames. This is an often-overlooked part of our localization process, but it plays an integral role in making the final product on the level of a licensed release.

Trails from Zero‘s Final Update​


Now, back to happier news. As teased in the first pass announcement, an update is coming for Trails from Zero. I should also apologize that it did not release before the end of 2020 as I had envisioned, but rest assured that it is coming. We’ll have a separate post to announce its release when the time comes and give more details about what’s different about it compared to the current version. In short, much of the text has been updated to reflect NIS America’s release of Trails of Cold Steel IV. However, there are also several unseen changes to the game that have to do with the mod and how the text itself is built and inserted. The backend of Zero’s text is on an entirely new platform than it used to be. Because of this, releasing Zero’s update hasn’t been as simple as saving the new files and pushing them out the door. We wanted time to have Zero tested, as well, to catch any mistakes that might have happened in this platform switch. This testing has gone well, and we should have good news to share with everyone soon.

In conclusion, our long journey is nearly at an end. The coming months will be some of the most exciting of our lives as we write the final and greatest chapter in our odyssey to give the Crossbell games the love and care they deserve. I’m grateful we could have the support of so many people in the community, including the cooperation of the four original translators: Guren, Flame, Kitsune, and KOL. I’d also like to thank my teammates, as well as each of our friends, family, and loved ones, for supporting us this long.

The last 10 months have been a trial that we will never forget—both because of this project’s development and the way life as we know it has changed for every one of us around the world. I believe we will come out the other side of it stronger than ever before. At the Geofront, we believe no barrier is too tall to clear, and we look forward to exceeding your expectations yet again.

lol at the last image. Congrats to them on a good job so far.
lol never underestimate The Master Yuri Groper Ilya

Indeed congrats to them!
Final English Fan patch of Zero No Kiseki is up, yay!


Hello, everyone! It’s been one year since Trails from Zero released, and we’re ecstatic to be able to celebrate that anniversary with this post. We’ve made quite a few changes to Zero in this past year, and the time has finally come for us to publish Zero’s last feature update and for the game to take its final bow and ride off into the sunset.

Why did there need to be an update?​

Three major things have happened in the year since Zero released: NIS America launched Trails of Cold Steel IV, we edited the entirety of Trails to Azure, and thousands of you have told us about your experiences with our patch. As you can imagine, that leads to more changes to the script than could possibly be documented here.

To give you a general idea, we first and foremost implemented every newly localized term in Cold Steel IV. This includes things such as the naming of the Residential District, Elie’s Randy-given nickname, Ilya Platiere’s moniker, and so much more.


Beyond that, there have also been changes to the script to make the game more congruent with the editing style of Azure, add more polish, as well as correct any text bugs that have been submitted to us over the last year.

The technical changes​

However, there have also been several other changes to the game underneath the surface. As alluded to in the last Azure update post, Zero’s script is built on a new format than from when we originally released the game a year ago. This format, which is also what Azure uses, is based on EDDecompiler. The change has made both games much easier to edit and is partially responsible for Azure’s editing process having been as smooth as it’s been.

A positive side effect is that our Zero script is now more consistent with the Japanese releases. What I mean is, an unintended consequence of the older, clunky format was that we had the ability to inadvertently change the number of text boxes in the game. This occasionally led to instances in the main story where some text boxes would not have voice acting when playing a scene using the Evolution voice mod.

A screenshot from TrailsintheDatabase showing an example of text from in the game.
Taken from
In the above, the blue text would be a text box that correctly has voice acting play with it, and the black text indicates that we added a text box where there wasn’t one, thus no voice acting would play. These instances were rewritten and consolidated to the correct box count, and this mistake won’t be repeated when we eventually release Trails to Azure. All in all, the scenario files are far more stable in this format, and any crashes related to the scenario should be a thing of the past.

There have, of course, been several other fixes that you can read about in the changelog below. A few highlights are improved controller support, corrected resolution option settings, and a new-and-improved version of our installation and launcher program. We’re also happy to say that the few of you interested in installing and playing the game on Linux should have a much better experience with this version.

One feature we, unfortunately, were unable to implement was support for any languages beyond English and the original Japanese — namely Chinese. However, with the coming PC port of Zero no Kiseki: Kai by Clouded Leopard Entertainment for Chinese and Korean, I think that will be a non-issue for any fans wanting to play in Chinese. We apologize and thank you for your understanding.


The visual changes​

Finally, among the features added to Zero are visual improvements. This includes a few new textures that have been backported from Azure to enhance the graphics in Zero. Additionally, there’s one visual improvement that I’m personally very proud to announce: the support for HD video.

The unmodded version of the game doesn’t support video higher than 240p — the same as what’s in the PSP version, obviously. Our lead programmer, Jose, was able to add support for 1080p. All of the game’s movie files are now in full HD, including a remastered opening edited by our video editors, Choojermelon, DrCullenPHD, and _seaPancake, and a new ending done by our graphics maestro, Sorcerian.

To our talented artists and editors, thank you for indulging me and making this goal of mine a reality. I felt as though HD movies were the one thing Trails from Zero was lacking for it to truly be a complete and modern port. Hopefully, everyone who plays Zero from now onward will appreciate this addition, and, suffice to say, you can also expect HD movies to be a part of Trails to Azure.

Farewell to Zero​

Thank you all for going on this journey with us. Trails from Zero has been a project that has touched and changed many of our lives. Sharing it with you all has been the opportunity of a lifetime.

We’re still hard at work finishing up Azure, so please be patient with us. Releasing this month is unlikely, as the game still has several outstanding bugs and things to be completed before we’re comfortable launching. However, we are getting closer, and the game has taken great strides this month. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Before you go, have a look at Trails from Zero‘s updated opening and feel free to peruse the full changelog. Thanks again, and see you all soon.

The translators should buy this, give it a little polish and slap it on the game and release it offically.
Indeed and I wonder if Randy will call Elie's PLOT "dynamic duo" like in Cold Steel IV with the newly added changes to the fan translation lol
Saw this PLOT fan art lol
Time for Elie official PLOT artwork lol Elie's dynamic duo having a bath: