Tsunamis = Racism

What's with all this talk about different races? There's only one race: the human race.

The people in Japan are not 'some other race' or anything like that. They're still people, just like us.

That's what I wish people would think about, instead of "Oh man, look at that guy from Japan, he is totally evil 'cause he came from a place that was the home of a few guys he has barely anything to do with who bombed Peal Harbor once a long time ago. Hurpadurp."


We're not bashing each other. We're just saying it's not racism, it's hate towards a country. It doesn't mean any of us support it. We're all agreeing in this topic that the people who are making the accusations about pearl harbor are ignorant pricks.
We're not bashing each other. We're just saying it's not racism, it's hate towards a country. It doesn't mean any of us support it. We're all agreeing in this topic that the people who are making the accusations about pearl harbor are ignorant pricks.

I wasn't accusing anyone of bashing anyone, I was just making a transition from the point of races to what I was saying. It just sounded weird to me, like I was changing the subject somewhat. So I added that bit at the beginning. Sorry for any misunderstanding, there.
I wasn't accusing anyone of bashing anyone, I was just making a transition from the point of races to what I was saying. It just sounded weird to me, like I was changing the subject somewhat. So I added that bit at the beginning. Sorry for any misunderstanding, there.

Still it's great to have respect for all people and not to think of them differently. Very mature of you, and i agree 100%.
I don't think anyone deserves this kind of damage. Many innocent people were killed during this earthquake/tsunami, and all people can think about is making jokes.

All is fair in love and war. Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, and we bombed Japan shortly afterwards. Then we gave them the money to rebuild and become the rising financial and global success they are today. America is not the reason for the earthquake, nor are they to blame for it. Japan is one of the USA's greatest allies, and we're helping them because it's right, and if we didn't, it would practically be suicide.

The USA gets involved in foreign affairs for a reason, and that is because we care about alliances and the human race in general. We don't just hold people hostage and kill innocent civilians if we have to. We only brought soldiers into Libya because Moammar Khadafy is holding his oil fields hostage, and is prepared to blow them up and severely damage the international oil industry. This is not purely because he must be stopped, or because America wants oil, but we are doing as much as anybody in terms of effort to stop the entire world's oil prices from going up to the point where people are unable to get gas without breaking the bank.

Point is, it is not America's fault that Japan had this earthquake, and we are trying as best we can, along with many other countries, to stand by the Japanese and solve this terrible disaster.
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Oh, that is just so sickening! Seriously! If those people only experienced what the japanese did and are still experiencing, that would totally show them how it is! I don't wish something like that on anybody, I just don't want such terrible comments to flip this disaster into a joking matter. This is not revenge, we already payed them back, and even if some people don't like the japanese, we still have to help them, and thank gosh we are, because who knows the way Japan would be right now?
The USA don't even have the power to make the Earth do that.
That's what you think...

What about a bike race? Or a marathon?
This is why I secretly <3 you sometimes.

Jokes aside, what happened in Japan is an awful thing--but some people need to make jokes about terrible tragedies to cope with them. Other people are just asses and need to make noise or direct attention in their direction at any costs, even making a poor choice in commentary on a devastating natural disaster in another country.

In replying to the original question of this topic, Kamek, I haven't see any reports about Americans being racist towards Japanese people over the tsunami. If anything, you may have heard an opinion piece or some unreliable bit of news. All I have seen is Americans being supportive of the crisis in Japan and an elementary school in the district over from mine actually did a school-wide fundraiser for Japan, wearing red and white (the colors of their flag) and everyone brought $1 (a lot brought more) to school to donate. They ended up raising quite a sum at the end of the fundraiser and what a great way to raise the awareness of the crisis to young children through the fundraiser so they feel that they are really contributing.
I don't think anyone deserves this kind of damage. Many innocent people were killed during this earthquake/tsunami, and all people can think about is making jokes.

All is fair in love and war. Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, and we bombed Japan shortly afterwards. Then we gave them the money to rebuild and become the rising financial and global success they are today. America is not the reason for the earthquake, nor are they to blame for it. Japan is one of the USA's greatest allies, and we're helping them because it's right, and if we didn't, it would practically be suicide.

The USA gets involved in foreign affairs for a reason, and that is because we care about alliances and the human race in general. We don't just hold people hostage and kill innocent civilians if we have to. We only brought soldiers into Libya because Moammar Khadafy is holding his oil fields hostage, and is prepared to blow them up and severely damage the international oil industry. This is not purely because he must be stopped, or because America wants oil, but we are doing as much as anybody in terms of effort to stop the entire world's oil prices from going up to the point where people are unable to get gas without breaking the bank.

Point is, it is not America's fault that Japan had this earthquake, and we are trying as best we can, along with many other countries, to stand by the Japanese and solve this terrible disaster.
First off, allow me to say hello! I'm glad to have you as a new addition to our little community.


As far as the Pearl Harbor comments go there's clearly just a huge deal of ignorance floating around. Not only that, but we nuked Japan twice. We ripped them a new one and people are still bitter over Pearl? Sure, let's not forget Pearl Harbor, but let's not harbor hatred against the country from which the attack originated. It'd be like England shunning the US for the American Revolutionary War. Forgive, forget, and move on. Middle Easterners were behind the World Trade Center terrorist attacks, but we all (should) know that it only shows stupidity to harbor anger against all Muslims.

While I do believe that America acts too much like a world police (Vietnam, Korea, etc.), we certainly can't be blamed for natural disasters. Does anyone believe that Iraq caused Hurricane Katrina? I hope not...(we all know that it was Canada).

To touch on your Libya comments, let me first concede that I don't know much about the oil market nor how big executives control pricing. I do know, however, that Libya is NOT one of the world's top 10 oil providing countries and I believe that the price spikes are just the marks of greed of shady oil companies. It wouldn't surprise me if they saw the crisis in Libya as a convenient excuse for jacking up prices. I really wish the we'd work on passing legislation to restrict the petroleum folks, but that's a bit difficult with it being an international market and the fact that most Republicans won't support any anti-oil legislation. Rawr.
Actually white is a race.

You can make a racist joke out of me.

For example: fishbelly

See if you were trying to be racist against Americans it wouldn't work:

Hahahaha! Stupid American!

See that wouldn't work cause there are Americans that are chinese etc.

But put it this way: if you were interracional, this would happen:

Hahaha! You're such a.... What the Frick are you?


It's Caucasian. "white" isn't a race, it's a slang term.
No. No we didn't.

We dropped two fucking nukes on their country.

It isn't justifiable in any way.
Are you saying that the nukes weren't justifiable? It was done to save American lives. They estimated that more lives would be lost by continuing the war through conventional weaponry and tactics, so they dropped the nukes. Tragic, yes, but they did end the war.
Its not justifiable in terms of "revenge" for what happened at Pearl Harbor. In the sense that it saved lives, however, it is.
Its not justifiable in terms of "revenge" for what happened at Pearl Harbor. In the sense that it saved lives, however, it is.

...You're saying that the only basis for dropping nukes on them was to stop them from killing us? It was to eliminate one of Germany's strongest allies.

And Japan did not attack America personally. They were trying to harm all of the neighboring islands and Hawaii just happened to be...er, somewhat close. The reason they attacked Hawaii was because that is where we had a large portion of our Navy. I really don't believe that it was against all of America, since they were damaging other islands as well, mostly to stop armed forces from getting across the water.

And, the reason we helped Japan afterwards was out of sympathy, and the fact we needed them as our ally, rather than Germany's.
The only thing the Japanese have done is make weird commercials.

And I like the weird Commercials Japan makes. Well for the old video games that is.




Plus the American version of Marjora's Mask commercial was not bad at all.
...You're saying that the only basis for dropping nukes on them was to stop them from killing us? It was to eliminate one of Germany's strongest allies.

And Japan did not attack America personally. They were trying to harm all of the neighboring islands and Hawaii just happened to be...er, somewhat close. The reason they attacked Hawaii was because that is where we had a large portion of our Navy. I really don't believe that it was against all of America, since they were damaging other islands as well, mostly to stop armed forces from getting across the water.

And, the reason we helped Japan afterwards was out of sympathy, and the fact we needed them as our ally, rather than Germany's.

In the sense that it saved lives, however, it is.
Yes, stopping war=saving lives.
...You're saying that the only basis for dropping nukes on them was to stop them from killing us? It was to eliminate one of Germany's strongest allies.

And Japan did not attack America personally. They were trying to harm all of the neighboring islands and Hawaii just happened to be...er, somewhat close. The reason they attacked Hawaii was because that is where we had a large portion of our Navy. I really don't believe that it was against all of America, since they were damaging other islands as well, mostly to stop armed forces from getting across the water.

And, the reason we helped Japan afterwards was out of sympathy, and the fact we needed them as our ally, rather than Germany's.
Personal or no, an attack is an attack and we did what we had to do to win. They attacked the US because it was tactically smart. With the most powerful military capabilities in the world, the US poised a prominent threat to Japan's colonization efforts.

By the time we nuked Japan, the war with Germany was pretty much over. Russia was mopping up and we were left with the Japanese. We nuked them to end the war and to prevent a conflict of attrition as it would've been costly to both sides. While nuclear weapons are terrible, they were necessary to break the morale of Japan and end the bloodshed.
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People living on the streets...missing family members and friends...dying...and they have the nerve to say things like that. It's not like they bombed Hiroshima or Nagasaki or anything. Besides, is it an entire nation's fault that things like this happen? No. Is Libya responsible for what's happening? No. Ghadafi is. I weep for the future of the world I'm growing up in.
People living on the streets...missing family members and friends...dying...and they have the nerve to say things like that. It's not like they bombed Hiroshima or Nagasaki or anything. Besides, is it an entire nation's fault that things like this happen? No. Is Libya responsible for what's happening? No. Ghadafi is. I weep for the future of the world I'm growing up in.
Isn't it great? Our generation gets to inherit the messes of the old people ;D!!
Isn't it great? Our generation gets to inherit the messes of the old people ;D!!

It's a never-ending line of people attacking one another when not even provoked by them that causes the next generations to be affected by the confusion of whether to get revenge or forgive and forget.

I'm sure something will happen in this century that will cause people to want revenge in the next one.
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