Uncharted: The Lost Legacy


GamingLatest Slave
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Just beat this game. Found it was pretty good and worked without Nathan Drake. Has anyone else played this yet? What did you think?
I hope to maybe start tackling the uncharted series this year. Far as PS4 games go, what should I get/order to play them in?
I hope to maybe start tackling the uncharted series this year. Far as PS4 games go, what should I get/order to play them in?
  1. Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection - first is dated but still good, second is class, 3 is decent.
  2. Uncharted 4
  3. Uncharted The Lost Legacy
That order, all main games are on PS4.
they are all awesome but I found that the lost legacy was my least favorite one.
1 is the GREEN one. Its nothing but jungle and trees. I think part of the reason I don't like lost legacy is because I'm not a big Nadine fan. I find her character a little too butchy for my taste.
Uncharted is a nice game also, I already play the uncharted 3 and we really enjoy the multiplayer option for that game. A co-op mission or a PVP game are also included. I really love the campaign of it since it is a versatile game. I will try this game next!