Valentine's Day Advice


May the bridges I burn light the way.
Hello everyone!

If you need help thinking of a gift for Valentine's Day, feel free to ask. I enjoy crafting and the like, so I often make a lot of homemade gifts for people.
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Awkward thread is awkward. I'll consider this later today.
Awkward thread is awkward. I'll consider this later today.
I super edited the first entry. I guess I just like making homemade gifts as holiday presents and I want to share my knowledge if anyone wants help. :3
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I forgot all about this day.....................................

My first Valentines Day alone in 3 years.
When I first read that, I thought you were planning to send people crafts to give people. XD
Oh, no. I mean, I could but that would be a little weird. I just have a lot of crafty know-how and if you need help thinking of something, I am a plethora of crafting knowledge willing to share it.
Oh, no. I mean, I could but that would be a little weird. I just have a lot of crafty know-how and if you need help thinking of something, I am a plethora of crafting knowledge willing to share it.

How do you tell a girl you love her without her throwing up and/or bursting into flames? Because there's this girl I know, and I really do love her.
How do you tell a girl you love her without her throwing up and/or bursting into flames? Because there's this girl I know, and I really do love her.

Well, first I'd consider a lot of things. How old are you? Getting involved in serious love at an early age can be quite difficult, and the result is usually bad. Secondly, after observing this girl, do you believe she has feelings for you? You never want to rush into things to quickly, make sure she likes you. Ask her friends or just notice things like eye contact, constant laughing, or awkward movement while chatting with you, she may be getting nervous around you because you're liked.

This is the last step, and make sure you've followed the tips and have a good understanding of her. Go somewhere private with her, nothing too private, but not in public. Whenever you feel ready, tell her your feelings for her. The reason I don't recommend doing this in public is that she may feel uncomfortable answering in front of lots of people, and either deny or begin the experiences you listened in the beginning. Whether her answer is yes or no, ( If she answers at all, if she stays silent for a while then tell her that she may have as much time as she would like to consider, and that you apologize if this may seem awkward), do not get upset. In the event that she does say no, bring up the possibility that you could just be friends, and trust me, that's better then nothing. What's really important is that at the end of the day, go home smiling and remember that their are plenty of fish in the sea just waiting for you.
How do you tell a girl you love her without her throwing up and/or bursting into flames? Because there's this girl I know, and I really do love her.

Mr. L did a lovely job of approaching your question. In addition to his answer; don't spew it all out at once, literally and figuratively! Start by asking her out on a date or a group date with friends (maybe a bunch of you go to the movies and get pizza afterwards?) you'll have a chance for some interactions there that aren't during school. If you are too nervous, try befriending her first and/or having smaller conversations with her to get used to talking to her (without throwing up/bursting into flames). Simplicity will be easier here since approaching her and berating her about how much you love her may freak her out a bit.
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Dear Kamek,

If the above two guides (Mr. L's and Arcella's) do not succeed, there is one final plan. Arrange to meet her exactly 24 hours and 15 minutes after the last attempt. Naked.

Yours sincerely,

Okay, I can't help being an idiot, but I'll try save myself by saying that V-Day is soon, and everybody still has the weekend to ask for advice! I will be sure to get back to everybody with useless ideas!
Victory in Europe versus the Allied invasion of Normandy?

And I've decided that Valentine's Day now officially sucks. Those who disagree may be shot on sight.
YES! Welcome to the dark side, Zex. Enjoy your stay and feel free to treat yourself to snacks and refreshments. Just stay away from Dan.

He bites.