Valentine's Day Advice

I always did enjoy the Dark Side. I always played as the Villains in Star War: Battlefront and I enjoy games where I get to shoot and/or blow things up.

Valentine's Day WAS fine. But then I realized...that'd I'm going to be rather alone. And then it just becomes depressing ;-; SOLUTION? Open up my minigun on the residents of the New Vegas casino strip
Victory in Europe versus the Allied invasion of Normandy?

And I've decided that Valentine's Day now officially sucks. Those who disagree may be shot on sight.
I'm so sorry to hear this Zexis. I hope "Mission CookieCoD" didn't backfire. >_<

Lucky for you, price in ammo is currently declining a bit. Hoorah!
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Mm, I don't care much for Valentine's Day either.

May have something to do with the fact that I was the one kid who never got valentines in class. ._.
Mm, I don't care much for Valentine's Day either.

May have something to do with the fact that I was the one kid who never got valentines in class. ._.
Well, Yoshi. Are you sick of never getting Valentines in class? You are? I've got the perfect solution for you!

*huddles in closer*

Okay, so what we do is you, Yoshi, run around one day on 14th Feb and give all the popular boys Valentines day cards from other popular boys. Soon there will be a crazy rumour fest about boys liking boys in the school, and at this point, you run around screaming "I AM A WOMAN MAGNET, HAVE AT ME, FEMININE SPECIMENS!". All should go according to plan and girls should be lunging at you from all directions.
Well, Yoshi. Are you sick of never getting Valentines in class? You are? I've got the perfect solution for you!

*huddles in closer*

Okay, so what we do is you, Yoshi, run around one day on 14th Feb and give all the popular boys Valentines day cards from other popular boys. Soon there will be a crazy rumour fest about boys liking boys in the school, and at this point, you run around screaming "I AM A WOMAN MAGNET, HAVE AT ME, FEMININE SPECIMENS!". All should go according to plan and girls should be lunging at you from all directions.

This is why you are a ADMIN! Great Advice!
Well, Yoshi. Are you sick of never getting Valentines in class? You are? I've got the perfect solution for you!

*huddles in closer*

Okay, so what we do is you, Yoshi, run around one day on 14th Feb and give all the popular boys Valentines day cards from other popular boys. Soon there will be a crazy rumour fest about boys liking boys in the school, and at this point, you run around screaming "I AM A WOMAN MAGNET, HAVE AT ME, FEMININE SPECIMENS!". All should go according to plan and girls should be lunging at you from all directions.

Nah, that'll only work with maybe two or three guys in the school.
And stop breathing down my neck, you're making me very uncomfortable.
Well, I guess Dan's plan is more trustworthy than previous ones...
*has flashbacks*
*notices I'm a coin now*
*forgets about Dan*
*gets caught off guard and Dan lunges at me*
*screams as he takes off his mask*
Oh god, the memories!
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Ok, well, just to humor this topic.

I got this girlfriend maybe like a week ago and we get along great. I text her all the time and always say hi every time I see her in school. But we seem to have this problem where after we say hi, we can't think of anything to talk about, and we end up not talking. Neither of us are shy, it's just the absence of something to say. So we usually end up going seperate ways in the halls and only have said hi and bye to each other.

Anyone want a crack at the solution?
The best way to start a conversation is something simple, like a "How are you doing?", or possibly discuss school, since hopefully you have that in common. I tend to have the same problem, but I only realized it recently. This cute girl at my school would constantly say "Hello," to me whenever she saw me, and I never realized it, but I now think it may be a possibility she's attracted to me, so I finally took the time to ask how she was doing, and started a small conversation. It felt really good knowing I've got someone to lean on, but if it doesn't work out, their are plenty more fish out in the sea waiting for me. Not to brag or anything, but all the chicks in the school think I'm really cute, and I'm fine with that, and I think it's for the best I don't get into anything serious for a while.
Two words: Old Spice.

Also, if I posted some advice here, I would get in trouble.
I freaking love you already.

I'll try the old spice, and your advice Mr. L. I'm thinking it should work. But who knows until Monday.
Old Spice is the best. I've worn it forever(back when the commercials just had boats and women, haha). And it's seriously awesome, because people always compliment me on how I smell.
Old Spice Guy (the black half-guy half-horse thing) gets all the ladies...and you can too!

Anyways, i'm very cynical when it comes to Valentine's Day. Just some bad memories.