Valkyria Chronicles 4

Read an article from siliconera on Riley in Combat and the grenadier class:

Valkyria Chronicles 4 slightly changes the series’ formula. It shakes things up by adding an entirely new class, the grenadier. We are accustomed to characters using guns of all sorts in the game. But this time, we have another ranged alternative that is great about hitting a certain area from a distance. The grenadiers are here, and they become essential pretty much from the moment Riley arrives to aid Squad E.

We don’t start with a grenadier in our group in Valkyria Chronicles 4. It is only when Squad E is heading toward Reine that Riley shows up mid-mission to provide support. The Empire has grenadiers on platforms ready to assault anyone on the bridge leading into the city. Snipers can not hit them, due to their positions. It is only when you take gradual steps forward with Riley lobbing what are basically grenades at opponents that you can clear the path. It is a good introduction to the class. You want to place them where they might not have to move much, have access to an engineer for ammo refills, can provide supporting fire against encroachers, and target people others can’t hit.

As with all characters, each grenadier has their own specialties. Riley is the first one you get, and she is rather awesome in every way. She has the highest dodge stat of your first few units. Her Inventor Potential means she sometimes gets extra ammunition. Her accuracy can also increase if she sees multiple enemies, thanks to Observation, which is handy since her Trial and Error potential occasionally tanks her accuracy. She also has Pyrophobia, which means opposing mortar fire lowers her attack.
I assume you already finished VC4 before the release, cm2? :p
If I could read/speak Japanese the yes lol though I have seen all the main cutscenes and the true ending of the game in Japanese lol.
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O Mr. Demon could you please change the Header Trailer of this thread to the english Ps4 version and fix the release date and add some general overiew there too? @Demon_Skeith I would do it myself but I don't have the access to it.
its was a success if the game was open world
Open world got nothing to do with it--for a game to be successful or not--Eg. Persona 5, God of War. And the first Valkyria Chronicles sold over more than 1 million copies not counting the PC version, worldwide, and thus it's successful enough imo.

Valkyria Chronicles (PlayStation 3) - Overview
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True, the setting of the story is great, the fictional Europa thing.
Currently no 7 on steam top global sellers.
I am positive that I have seen this title before but I don't remember where.

Hmm.....well, it might come back to me sometime.
I am positive that I have seen this title before but I don't remember where.

Hmm.....well, it might come back to me sometime.
Posted about it on one of your threads before.

And currently ranked no 5 steam top global sellers, at the time i am posting this
Steam Search
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So @NameGervin are you playing the game?

Minerva is frickin' annoying.

Kai taking a pic of Raz's butt lol
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But Europa needs you!
Recorded some mission 2 gameplays