PC/Mobile Valve Releases Dota 2 Immortal Update Addressing The Treasure III Bug


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With Valve releasing its much-awaited Immortal Treasure III, the response the developers received was not what they were expecting. This was due to the community complaining about the faulty drop rates for the Immortal Treasure III and its collection of rare items. Well, after all that backlash, the developers are finally here with an update, addressing the very issue with the Immortal Treasure III.

It seems Valve actually found an issue with the treasure’s Escalating Odds mechanics which prevented high-level users from attaining Very Rare and Ultra-Rare drops. In order to compensate players for the bug, the developers have released the Immortal Update which not only fixes the Escalating Odds issue but also comes with some pretty exciting rewards.
Seems like games really don't get tested enough these days.