What did you do today?

was stuck at home shoveling snow.
Woke up. Got ready.
Now I'm about to go out to lunch with a good friend.
After which I will go to a BBQ and meet my wife.
Today has not been fun. We were going out to lunch when the battery died half way there, so then I waited 2 hours in the waiting room of a car repair place while they identified the problem. Came straight home after that, had a late lunch and have been studying for exams since then.
Fed and watered the horses and ducks, checked on the chickens, fed the dogs, did laundry and applied for a bunch of jobs on USAJobs.
A lot actually. Helped shovel out the horse's stalls, helped paint the new 'spare' bedroom, then put the horses back in the stall and fed/watered them and the ducks.