What did you do today?

Woke up, took medication for the cold, fed the horses/chickens, let them out of their stalls/coop, took a nap, posted on forums, almost took another nap, and talked to people on and off on messengers.
Nothing, in all honestly. Woke up, let the dogs out, ate breakfast, watched some stuff on CW, applied for jobs, had lunch, read some and then took a nap.
Woke up, fed the dogs, had breakfast. Then I went outside to check on the chickens and put the horse's out to pasture and fed them hay.
Pretty much the same thing I have been for the past month and a half or so. Applying for jobs, posting on forums, taking care of the animals on the farm and watching stuff on Netflix.
Woke up, took care of the chickens and horses, had breakfast, watched Gravity with my mom and brother, read and visited with family.