If it is shown, it's usually topic about hacking...Linux is rarely shown on TV, newspapers, etc, so fewer people know about it compared to Windows and Apple OS X which is more often shown on TV, newspapers, and other media sources.
If it is shown, it's usually topic about hacking...Linux is rarely shown on TV, newspapers, etc, so fewer people know about it compared to Windows and Apple OS X which is more often shown on TV, newspapers, and other media sources.
If it is shown, it's usually topic about hacking...
Except Tails cannot be installed, so it must be used as live session.
Teacher must make sure student don't do non-school work, so it's understandable.I read a blog post of a teacher punishing a student for using a Live Linux CD to boot a Linux OS like Ubuntu as a live session on the school computer.
Teacher must make sure student don't do non-school work, so it's understandable.
If logging is only work for Windows, then Linux can not be seen.
I was IT admin for whole school 8 year back.