What Interests You Most About Gaming?

To be honest, I'm more fascinated with the idea of gaming rather than the games themselves. I do still love the video games, and I certainly have some favorites that I get addicted to, but I'm mostly just impressed at how much video games have been through and the stories and personalities that surround the whole industry. It's why I enjoy watching video game documentaries a lot as well as events, news, and new developments such as games, consoles, and accessories, etc. As for video games themselves, I just like it for the same reasons as I would for any other hobby which is that I find it enjoyable.
These days I'm more interested in the competitive aspect of online gaming. I find it's a relatively harmless (if you don't put an exaggerated amount of time in it) way to challenge yourself. What appeals to me is the satisfaction that comes from becoming good at it and being able to hold your own against the best.
Gaming interest me because it is the one thing that I can do to relax. I have been doing it since I was 13 and now I am 29 years old. I believe I am a gaming addict, but only to certain types such as MMOs. I mean sometimes if I have two days off in a row I won't go to sleep, I will just pull an all nighter when I am on a game. I guess I would be considered a gaming addict.
I love it when games try to tell a story, as long as they do it well. As such, the Mass Effect series is my favorite video game franchise.
I get to be someone else. I get to do things I can't do in real life....well unless you count most FPS...I've literally done that in real life. :P
I have anxiety and panic disorder. When my hands are idle and my mind isn't being occupied... the vicious cycle of "what ifs" begins and I'm done for. Gaming used to be a way I combatted that and I'm wanting to go back at it.
I've been a gamer for pretty much as log as I remember. I started off way way back with Pokémon silver and red on my gameboy colour. One of my favourite things about games has to be the multiplayer aspect of different games. I absolutely love sitting down and playing games with friends and family.
I've been gaming since I was in pre-school. That's when I got my first computer and although I had games such as Super Mario, I liked it. It was something new and interesting. I saw it as a cartoon in which you could determine the story. I still see it in a similar manner: a game is a world in which you determine what happens and why. That's what appeals to me the most: I can be anywhere and everywhere, do anything and everything I want and so on. Not to mention that it was through games that I learnt the basics of English. I still remember feeling frustrated when I couldn't guess the objectives of a quest (that was before I had internet, so I was very limited in my options - I had a dictionary and that was it). In a family where no one spoke English, there was no one to help and so my brother and I were pretty much left to ourselves to figure out the puzzling words. 

Later on, I kept on gaming. The games I chose became more complex and mostly fantasy-oriented. Sometimes, when I come home and I am too tired to do anything much, I turn to one of my favourite games. I find this relaxing.

Gaming is my morning routine as well. As I leave house at 7 or 7-ish, I am usually sleepy. That's why I came up with a "routine:" the alarm clock at 5.45 so that I can have about 45 minutes of properly waking up with a cup of coffee (mostly two) and a video game. 

In average, I play about three or four hours a day. Much? No. My brother plays at least 12. I can't possibly beat that.