What you think of websites with long article and title descriptions on the homepage?


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I have desktop computers, laptop, and tablet with a smaller size monitor and lower pixel resolution on the monitor, so I don't enjoy reading websites with a homepage which have a lot of long title links and article descriptions because it causes me to scroll down the page a lot. If I wanted to read the article, I would click on the "read more/read entire article" link or the title link for the article.
I don't like those websites which have very long stuff in their index pages.
It's not at all a good idea to keep stuff like that upfront which might drive away potential users.
I don't like those websites which have very long stuff in their index pages.
It's not at all a good idea to keep stuff like that upfront which might drive away potential users.

I agree long descriptions can drive away users. I feel they may also cause slower smartphones to slowdown, freeze and crash its web browser more often if there is too much text on the page.

I like forums because the index page usually does not have a lot of long descriptions for the topic links on the index page.
Boring, I like websites that get to the point.
Boring, I like websites that get to the point.

I agree, website which get to the point are better than websites which have un-needed text which go offtopic or start talking about offtopic topics like politics when I am reading an article not about politics.