What's with the constantly lower battery time for handheld consoles now?


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So wait, the 3DS was bad enough here already with less battery time than the DS, but now the PSP Vita only has about 3 to 5 hours of play time without charging the console?

Here's a little hint video game console makers. People don't buy handheld consoles to play home console games and sit indoors by the charger. Indeed, the very reason they're portable is so that people have something to play when on journeys, abroad on holiday or at someone else's house for whatever reason.

Hence sacrificing the battery for silly gimmicks and tech innovation is a stupid idea. Normal people do NOT care about what looks fancy. No one cares if you and your silly 'geek' friends like the features, they care about being able to play games wherever, for a fairly long time to reduce their boredom when travelling or such like.

The current focus on gimmicks and features over actual portability is ridiculous. There's no reason to even bring a 3DS with you on longer trips because the battery might not hold out, and anyone who would be silly enough to bring the Vita on holiday is going to find themselves stuck when the battery runs out and the different plug socket designs and electricity stuff in foreign countries stop them using the charger.

In fact, I don't believe the rise of phone games is due to people caring only about paying a few dollars, it's due to the fact these games are easy and conveniant to play, and because since they don't tend to drain the battery as badly as current handheld system games that they just work out better on journeys and such like.

But yeah, that's my opinion. Remove the gimmicks nobody cares about and just make a console which is portable and which has a battery lasting about 10 hours or more.

Oh, and I really expect the 3DS to beat the Vita because of this, and doubt that many people will sacrifice portability for 'flashy' looking games that could have worked just as well on a home console.
Same for me, but on the rare occasions when I'm forced to go somewhere, it's nice to have something to play the entire trip.

Plus not everyone is like us. I would assume many people do leave their house with their portable console.
Companies like to keep costs down to benefit us consumers. Bigger batteries would make the price skyrocket. Simple as that.
Ugh, I know what you mean. The first thing I'm buying for the Vita is an extra battery pack for travel.
I dont mind . I usually play less than 3 hours at a time . I guess going on a long trip would kinda suck though.
I'm sorry Nin, you know I'm usually open for well thought out opinions and rants but what you wrote is pretty biased.

You discriminate against those who enjoy technology and gaming by flat out calling them "geeks" and you separate them from said "normal" people. You yourself run a gaming community consisting of those who seek innovation which includes myself. With out innovation we wouldn't have the DS with two screens and currently the 3DS with 3D game play without peripherals.

You mention that people don't play home console type games on their hand helds. Then why do we play Super Mario, Sonic, Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, Star Fox 64 3D, Street Fighter, etc on our portables? Weren't those at one time considered a home console game?

These so called gimmicks brought us friends list, communication/gaming over WiFi, digital downloads, Street Pass, AR, streaming Media.

If you had your say, every generation would be bland and stuck in the Stone Age of gaming. Thank goodness you don't.

You also mention that on holiday/vacation those who use the Vita on trips are "silly" to do so because of the battery life. Excuse me but the 3DS also has the same projected battery capacity. Not only that but you flat out show fanboy-ism. Yes I know, Nintendo forum, but really, I expect better from a community showing a variety of interest in gaming. I will be one of those "silly" people who game on the Vita. I am also one of those "silly" people who game on the 3DS. Same difference.

If you want to go fanboy that means I can say that with the Vita I don't have to have a separate slide pad to play some of my games, chat using a few phrases, use separate friend codes for each game, miss out on imports since it's region free, and be able to use my save files from my console version games universally with it.

But yes, like you said as well, it's my opinion as well.
If we now have two portable consoles with the same short battery life, surely that should tell us that extending the battery life is not as simple as we think. Both machines do, after all, require a lot of power (and it's just as well Vita no longer uses UMDs, as a drive would bring the battery life down to about 3 hours maximum).
If the battery had to last longer, it would need to be physically larger, and then the consoles themselves would have to be larger, and this goes against the design and ruins the aesthetic. And despite what you may think, Nin3DS, the look of the thing does matter. Especially, to more casual gamers, who are more likely to buy a device on something of a whim, rather than considering what games it has and will have, and make a decision based on that.
Phone battery life is longer because a phone is generally less power consuming. There's also the matter of smart phones often being more expensive, and thus allowing for a more expensive battery, which is both compact and long-lasting. Those kinds of batteries aren't cheap.
I'm sorry Nin, you know I'm usually open for well thought out opinions and rants but what you wrote is pretty biased.

You discriminate against those who enjoy technology and gaming by flat out calling them "geeks" and you separate them from said "normal" people. You yourself run a gaming community consisting of those who seek innovation which includes myself. With out innovation we wouldn't have the DS with two screens and currently the 3DS with 3D game play without peripherals.

True, I guess I may have been too harsh. But sometimes I do wonder whether this innovation is at the cost at some other stuff. It does seem that the gaming companies do focus too much on the 'hardcore' gamer at the expense of the general population. That worries me.
You mention that people don't play home console type games on their hand helds. Then why do we play Super Mario, Sonic, Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, Star Fox 64 3D, Street Fighter, etc on our portables? Weren't those at one time considered a home console game?

True. But keep in mind previously many of those used to release semi cut down versions for handhelds instead, likely to build on what works on a handheld. Like how they didn't release Super Mario Bros and Donkey Kong Country, they released Super Mario Land and Donkey Kong Land.

I'm not sure console ports and console style games are what's needed for the 3DS. Mario Kart I'll give a pass here, that's often worked well. But look at sales figures and note that people tend to want simpler games for handhelds and the sales reflect it.

These so called gimmicks brought us friends list, communication/gaming over WiFi, digital downloads, Street Pass, AR, streaming Media.

If you had your say, every generation would be bland and stuck in the Stone Age of gaming. Thank goodness you don't.

Not all gimmicks are bad. Wifi is good, digital downloads are good. AR stuff is pretty cool. But some of this seems to be designed at the expense of simple things like battery life and such like. Maybe Nintendo should have held out and waited a bit, looked for a better brand of battery and such like and then had it put in the 3DS. Best of both worlds.

You also mention that on holiday/vacation those who use the Vita on trips are "silly" to do so because of the battery life. Excuse me but the 3DS also has the same projected battery capacity. Not only that but you flat out show fanboy-ism. Yes I know, Nintendo forum, but really, I expect better from a community showing a variety of interest in gaming. I will be one of those "silly" people who game on the Vita. I am also one of those "silly" people who game on the 3DS. Same difference.

I'm pretty sure I never said the Vita itself was silly. Just that I think the expanded audience will pass on it and it won't sell as well as the 3DS for a certain reason. I have nothing against the features the console has.

If you want to go fanboy that means I can say that with the Vita I don't have to have a separate slide pad to play some of my games, chat using a few phrases, use separate friend codes for each game, miss out on imports since it's region free, and be able to use my save files from my console version games universally with it.

But yes, like you said as well, it's my opinion as well.

It does have some good stuff, but I just don't think they'll outweigh the costs. But hey, if all fails, agree to disagree?
The one major thing I must point out:

In fact, I don't believe the rise of phone games is due to people caring only about paying a few dollars, it's due to the fact these games are easy and conveniant to play, and because since they don't tend to drain the battery as badly as current handheld system games that they just work out better on journeys and such like.

Some of the better games on my iPod touch drain the battery within an hour and a half, and my iPod isn't even that old. It's kind of annoying, too.
The PSP, DS Lite, Gameboy Advance SP (not amazing but just fine) were all fine for me when it comes to battery life. You can't let it idle for days but that would just be stupid.

My ipod has pretty bad battery life but it's apple so it can't have all pros. But since it's jailbroken I can turn down the brightness so I can listen to music when I want to without worrying much about the battery. I just charge it every night. Only runs out of battery if I accidentally leave it playing music all day.
Only runs out of battery if I accidentally leave it playing music all day.
The number of times I have done that is outrageous. I'm all like "Yeah, let's listen to some tunes" and BAM! The thing's already playing and I'm all "What the hell's-a going on here?".

I haven't experienced the 3DS first hand so I can't comment on that current technology, but I do know that my old DS' (the first one, not the Lite) battery life is starting to die, which is expected, considering it's several years old and hasn't changed battery or anything. It can go for about 3 hours straight (or less) now before it dies I'd say, which isn't great, but I barely play it as often as I did, which is good.

If the 3DS is like my super old DS, I will be angry. But if it has the battery life of my old DS when it first started out (or something similar), I think I'll be pretty happy myself.
my DS lasts about 3 hours in GBA mode and 15 minutes on DS mode, but that is because it is 6.5 years old!
Well, videogames do tend to suck down battery juices. And while Nintendo/Sony could incorporate better batteries into the handhelds, to do so would necessitate a rise in cost.