What's your favorite N64 Game?


Insane, but humble
Ah yes, the classic N64. This might be one of the hardest desicions ever.

There's, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Diddy Kong Racing, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Banjo Tooie, Yoshi's Story,

It's very hard to choose cuz I loved all those games out of the all N64 games, but if I would have to narrow down that list.
My fav would have to be.............


It's a tie between Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, and Conker. >_<

Well anyway, what's your favorite N64 Game?
It's too hard to chose. T_T It's like a 5 way tie.

Super Mario 64 was my first N64 game and I loved it since I started.
Yoshi's Story was great and it was just one of those games that put me in a good mode when I was upset.
Goldeneye was a game I would play with my dad and it was my first FPS.
DK 64 also has nostalgia around it because it was my frist DK game and even though I never beat it, it's the only DK game I can stand.
Banjo-Kazooie was another game that I never beat, but I still loved it.
Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2 (I only ever owned 1), Mario Kart 64, Super Mario 64, Donkey Kong 64 or Mario Party 2. Those are the ones with the best memories attached to them.

That isn't really a favourite, but it's a favourites list, at least!
Gah, I really don't know...

Mario Party 1, 2 and 3 are great (although I never owned 3, which is a poop) but Super Mario 64 is too, being the first 3D Mario game and one of those games that just doesn't ever age. Conker's Bad Fur Day, now that's the funniest game I've ever played to date, even surpassing the Mario and Luigi series and Crash Tag Team Racing's 'die-o-ramas'. Super Smash Bros comes to mind, first game in a worldwide series that is fantastic... Mario Kart 64 is up there too, because its the only Mario Kart game that has a Blue Shell that can hit every other racer if launched well and the fact that a measly Red Shell blows you SKY HIGH which is hilarious... And it's bad not to mention Paper Mario in there somewhere. Oh, and I can't forget Yoshi's Story, since its the only Yoshi game that didn't actually feature Mario and only difference him and is always good to wind down after a frustrating day... Kirby 64 was great too, since you could fuse abilities together, although the controls don't feel comfortable...

...And let's face it, I just mentioned everything I still play.
GAH! How could I have forgotten Kirby 64 and Super Smash Bros.?!


Same here. It's just too much to handle! Can anyone pick only one!?!?!
Gah I forget Kirby 64 too. It's a 6 way tie. I mean it was my first Kirby game and I love it to death.
Oh, this is easy.

Anything that Rareware made for the N64. Seriously. Banjo-Kazooie, DK64, Diddy Kong Racing, Goldeneye, etc.
Super Mario 64. Now, this was a very hard choice to make, since I find Ocarina of Time also an awesome game, but it's the former that had more of a personal/emotional impact. This is unquestionably because I bought Mario 64 back when the Nintendo 64 was somewhat modern, and grew up playing the game (literally, I played that game for what must have been about four years straight). That was a new experience, and it all felt mysterious and plain... 'epic' I guess. However, I only got Ocarina of Time much later, as a bonus with the Wind Waker, because I wasn't a Zelda fan prior to then, and hence the game felt... excellent fun, but still a bit hollow because of how dated the game had become (similar to how I must have felt with the original Legend of Zelda when I bought the Classic NES version of that).

But it's a difficult decision to make, and the Nintendo 64 had tons of great games.
I should admit that Diddy Kong Racing was pretty enjoyable for me, it almost surpassed Mario Kart 64... ALMOST. Well, they were both very different takes on racing. The bosses were freakin' hard for me back in the days, I was so happy when I won the game. I never did unlock that T.T. guy, that was just too hard for me.
I'm going to say Paper Mario, I'd continue the list but I would end up adding every N64 game I've ever played.
This is an impossible to answer topic....the N64 just had well designed games that will be remembered by that generation for many years to come. With the 3DS out now...may of these titles will be revived I'm sure.

Anyhoo...If I were to choose, I'd pick Mario Party 3. I played this crap outta this game. It was very well thought out and the mini games were great. I hope to see a Mario Party revival soon...we all know the series needs it.
Definitely Majora's Mask, with Extreme G, Ocarina of Time, Super Smash Bros., and Star Wars: Rogue Squadron as honorable mentions. Honestly, I liked Perfect Dark Zero more than Perfect Dark.
*Runs to find N64 games.* This is a hard topic to answer to. My favorites are: Pokemon Stadium 1& 2 (don't have 2 but I did try it once. Since then I've been trying to get one from GameTraders.)Mario Kart 64, Pokemon Snap is a good game, though a little annoying at times. Kirby 64 is enjoyable, and I can't forget Super Smash Bros. That was, and is, the best game ever.

By the way, did anyone here own/owned a N64 game called Xena Warrior Princess? (just curious is all).
Paper Mario, then Yoshi's Story,and kirby 64 seems great but i havent played it yet T_T