When you play computer games do you usually close all your other programs or use Game Booster, Turbo


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Yes, I usually close all the programs on my Taskbar like Web Browser, Instant Messenger, Office Suite, Media Player, and un-needed programs when I game, so fewer background programs are using up CPU and RAM when I play games.

I also use Iobit Gamebooster to close background programs, processes, and services which I can't easily close before I game to free up even more RAM, and CPU cycles.

Turbo Boost on Iobit Advance System Care also does the same thing as Game Booster if you have ASC installed.

Switching Windows 7 to classic mode and disabling desktop animations also seems to make Windows slightly more responsive and stablethen using the Aeroglass themes.
I don't think I close anything besides the firefox window! :grin: It doesn't affect me much though :)
Since I own an ancient PC, I have no choice but to close every window before playing any game that has greater requirements than COD: MW1.
I think it is a good idea to close Windows like instant messengers, chat programs, and other programs when gaming since they sometime have notification sounds, and pop-up Windows which can annoy you while gaming.

Plus, the programs can crash making Windows crash or Blue screen error which is not good while you are gaming.
I close it all outside of when I had vlc up to have my musics when I played TF2.
This is one of the reasons I hate BF3s battle log, anyone with BF:BC2 would know they had most of it in game and had a stable in game server browser.