Why you shouldn't walk and text at the same time


Player of all consoles!

Believe it or not, this woman was texting and didn't see the large fountain in the shopping mall, and ended up falling into it!

Honestly... I don't think its THAT hard to see a large fountain in the middle of a shopping mall!
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Maybe she was posting a Facebook update:
"Just got new raincoat, wondering just how waterproof it is."

But on a serious note, texting while trying to multitask is like putting on blinders. You have tunnel vision to the cell phone screen--which is why it is illegal to text and drive in many states (but not all)! In my opinion though, this lady should just work on her peripheral vision skills or look up every second in between her key strokes so she can actually be aware of her surroundings. @_@!

First thing that came to mind.

Also according to the news she's going to court for some reason.
I knew it! Girls can't multitask D:

Just kidding, NC! Honestly though, females (all 3 of us on the forum..?) we gotta be honest with ourselves. There is a margin of roughly 15% of the female population that can properly multitask and those tend to be the females that work with their hands, are chefs, teachers, and other various jobs/skills which require a mass amount of working memory abilities which allow you to successfully multitask. The other 85% claims to be able to multitask, but cannot.
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First thing that came to mind.

Also according to the news she's going to court for some reason.

Yep, I heard that news story today. She's actually going to sue those who put this video on Youtube. However, the thing is that as soon as its discovered/happens, its on Google, and after that there's a good chance of going onto Youtube.

Sadly, some of us can't accept we are a little stupid and funny at times, even though we are the ones responsible for making ourselves look stupid. Sure, this would hurt after the fall, but I wouldn't care if it was all over the internet. Give a few weeks and I won't be upset about it, I'd laugh my butt off if it happened to me.
According to the San Fransisco Chronicle...

"Cathy Cruz Marrero is now known as the lady who fell head-first into a water fountain because she was texting while walking.

The incident happened in the mall where she works, and the surveillance footage was leaked onto YouTube. Instead of just keeping quiet about her embarrassing, viral moment, Marrero decided it was best to appear on national television with a lawyer.

She stated that she may sue the mall for its lack of aid and for leaking the video onto the Internet. All Marrero really did though was put a face and identity to the most embarrassing viral video of the year.

It turns out that Marrero is also on trial for allegedly making purchases with her co-worker's credit card."

(Source: San Francisco Chronicle - http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=%2Fg%2Fa%2F2011%2F01%2F22%2Fbusinessinsider-top-viral-videos-of-the-week-22-2011-1.DTL)