Wii Dare is the most ridiculous looking Wii game ever


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Ubisoft has really hit the bottom of the barrel for bad party games:


Is the dare to release this rubbish?
Only one thing comes to mind.

What The F#%K?
I thought this was a joke, until I realized it wasn't...

Why Ubisoft, why?!
"und wieder mal hat die USK gefailt viel spass mit KINDERPORNOS"

Great, sex games on a home console that forces you to use the Wii Remote in ways no-one ever thought of or want to THINK about.
I can't watch it due to copy right. What is it? Eh I'll go to google.

Ok Google has failed me. All I find is too sexy and all this junk. Sounds like something my friend would get actually...

I just found another video. I'm kind of scared.
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Ubisoft should do what they do best,Rayman platformers
Oh, lawdy, why? A lot of the Wii games are terrible, but this is way down there.
Thank God it's blocked from Youtube in my country (not logged in) sO i could read these comments first. I don't intend on watching.
I just read an article on how the game is actually getting a "12+" rating. It's bad enough that the game is being released at all, but that rating definitely is not appropriate for this trash. It's basically encouraging underage sex.
That was disturbing, especially since the majority of the Wii audience is rather young, I don't this game is appropriate.

I mean, with the games they were playing, they might as well have a Sex mini-game, since obviously that is what all consumers of this game desire.
"This video contains content from Ubisoft, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
Sorry about that."
Hah, gawd, this is hilarious. I love it. I am purchasing this so that I can invite random girls over to my house and creep them out.
AHAHAHA! I saw this video on another site just now because it was blocked...This is the most hilarious thing I have seen to come out of a game in a while. Of course in japan, i'm sure this is totally normal in every way...Is this game really being released here? I love how they rate the game too, yet they have only adults in the commercial to cover up for it. Wait until parents buy their kids this game and walk in on their kids dry humping their friends..I can't wait to hear the stories that spark all over the news about this game.

Good job, Ubisoft. I'm sure this one will hit the sales chart very well. It'llbe just as popular as all of those Rayman 2 remakes, eh?

EDIT:Here's the video on another site, seeing how Youtube blocked it.
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wtf? lol....ill tell u what tho, id be mad if that was my wiimote they were putting in their pants...id make them wash it until it sparkles!