Wii U Contest

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No, my video just didn't work. I had nearly about a dozen numbers before I finally got a winning one.
Okay, I would have liked a little more, but I trust you, I'm pretty upset I didn't get it, but I can't dwell, so I'll have to figure out some ways to make money to buy it myself.

Anybody Need any favors done/ have any ideas? :P
Okay, I would have liked a little more, but I trust you, I'm pretty upset I didn't get it, but I can't dwell, so I'll have to figure out some ways to make money to buy it myself.

Anybody Need any favors done/ have any ideas? :P

not everyone could have win bower, and I'm broke and have no money to give out :P

Plus don't forget those GFX I need.
Honestly, I wanted hcf to win this contest as I knew him longer and he runs a pretty neat SSB forum.

Awww, shucks :) I know, DS, the dude wouldn't rig anything. Like he said, there can only be 1 winner. But, of course, there's always going to be those few that didn't win that will question the outcome. This was probably some members only hope of getting the new system early. It was just shocking to see the least amount of effort did pay off, and Hissae's first choice was the winning number, that's pro!

Our chat on our site has a built in number generator, i was almost going to say lets use it, so everyone can be there live as the numbers were being selected by DS, and could have screen captured it as the event went down. but didn't think anyone would have gone for it.

I already had a Wii-U Deluxe reserved and paid for, actaully playing it right now, reason I'm not upset at all. I was only in the contest because it would have been nice to have gotten the money reimbursed, lol. But knew DS's contests were legit and was really hoping I could have gotten more of my members involved, both for them to have a chance and to see what GF was about. But, like many, they're sketchy when it comes to contests online.

Again, this was amazing of a prize, members should be grateful there were even given the opportunity to at least have a chance at winning something like this. sure it didn't go the way most planned, but that's how contests go, there can only be 1 winner.
Well put, the best thing to do right now is wait for the next one. Give DS some time to rebuild his wallet. :P I honestly was a little bit upset Hissae won when he put forth no extra effort. There will be other things out there, and now I'm just looking to try to get some cash to buy it. But thanks for the contest DS, and sorry we weren't more grateful. :)
I don't give a damn if your grateful or not, I'm over joyed GF got a good boost of activity and one of the people in the contest set up a good amount of back links for the forum. In the end I got what I wanted and Hissae walks away with the Wii U.

And just to point out bowser, anyone could have joined posted one number and won compared to those of you who put in weeks of work. Luck is a very cruel mistress.

Yes your right Hcf, getting people to trust me has proven to be one reason why there wasn't more in this contest but as soon as I give hissae the money via paypal and he can get his hand's on a Wii U I will have him post a pic to confirm this contest was legit.
Indeed, that is the truth my friend, that's what happens with these contests. Thanks for your generosity. :P
@Aids If anyone, DS knew HCF and me the longest, so we most likely would have won if it was rigged, especially since I'm the second most active member.
Yes your right Hcf, getting people to trust me has proven to be one reason why there wasn't more in this contest but as soon as I give hissae the money via paypal and he can get his hand's on a Wii U I will have him post a pic to confirm this contest was legit.
that's because you are not suppose to make the number chosen to be trusted in your hands. You are suppose to make it so everyone knows. hcf was right. If you did a live chat thing where a lot of people were invited than did some random number in there(NOT on your own) then it would be impossible for anyone to question it.
By showing screenshots of prove that people got awarded prizes it will just make you the contest look even more rigged.
How on earth does proving that prized were awarded make it look worse, you ask?

Because it looks like you are avoiding the issue. the issue was not that you never give awards. The issue is that you choose particular people to give awards to. With your randomize number method you could've easily just kept clicking on the button, checking out the winner and finding out its not your preference then just doing it again. See even recording it with a video doesn't prove anything because you can just keep taking a video and erasing and starting over until it is your preference of a winner.
Not having the video does look bad as well because "IF" you really did have a shortlist of who you wanted to win it looks like originally you have started the video, hit the randomize button, got a number, looked it up and nobody picked it, then it kept happening over and over again. You did mention earlier that you had the hit the number like 10 times before it was one that someone chose. If in this universe you were trying to make sure that, say...mori, ga, or hessie was going to win. Then that would've taken you probably hours and hours to setup with video. After taking video and hitting it several times, checking each time, it would just keep coming up someone wrong, then you'd have to restart the video and do it again. In the universe were you rigged it doing the video was just too much effort after making and erasing like 8 videos or so you think "FORGET IT" I'm just going to keep pressing it and SS the thing.

Regardless, in our own universe the conclusion sucked bad. The number was picked behind closed doors, there was no effort to ensure proof of it, the winner was one of the several friends/affiliates of the contest owner, and the contest owner declined and ignored the concern for how to number is chosen.
And now you are looking for screenshots to prove that you give awards which completely makes you look like you are avoiding the issue completely.

Why don't you or didn't you, from the beginning when I mentioned this say "Yeah, I kind of screwed up this part. I should've had it figured out how the number is chosen and it should've been in public. I did it honestly but I'm sorry it turned out like this. Next time I'm going to get this together the flawless way".
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