Wii U Contest

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https://www.facebook...fo&edit=eduwork I didn't really know where to put it, so I put it in the About Me.

And 30 posts. 444

link don't work, number added.

Confirmed my email. I'll take 289.


I'm glad to see old members coming back. Whatever happened to Uber?

He's still around on his Fb page, he felt guilty about being inactive and didn't think he should be on here which is a load of crap as I want him on here.

Uber who...?

one of the original members and former head of uber game mods.
Yeah, I'm on it lol. Just gotta get my referal number. That should get me a few extra numbers if I plaster it in my announcements section. over 100 GAMERS that want a Wii-U will see it within a day ;) Question, do they HAVE to use the referal link. some link, then refresh or bookmark then register. Would it still count if they mention me referring them in their intro topic?

It would make it easier for me. otherwise just name them when you got to claim your number and they just need your name in the referred field on their profile.

I'm sure I did this a while back lol. +1

Yeah your good :cool:

+1 for Xbox

gasp! I never thought you go beyond Nintendo :P

Added to my PageRank 5 site. +1 ( should be +50 for that lol I charge $75 - $150 for those links) Footer at http://www.smashdomain.net

I just need a link to your pagerank site to confirm.

Subscribed to all 3. I'm hcfwesker on all 3, except FB Ill have a pic of HUNK from RE. +1


Added at my site, smf support, and forum promotion.


+1 Matrix BG, added Video and MP3, with some contact info icons showing.

Assuming that gives me just 6 numbers. I gotta get to work lol.

for me: 88 , 244 , 364 , 504 , 428 , 911

confirmed, I added 5 numbers and will take your last one once you give me a link to that page site website. Also nice profile song.
UberTrance. Long time member but then he suddenly disappeared.

Link didn't work? Odd. Well I'm pretty sure I'm your friend on there. I'm the one with a 49er's hat.
My edit page? I swear I thought I linked my About Me. Regardless, I do have a link on there. Also, which numbers have you not confirmed yet?
I only have mobile right now, so I can't link it st the moment. Plus I think I'll send it as a PM. And by profile you mean song and video right?

30 more posts (9766). 976
I only have mobile right now, so I can't link it st the moment. Plus I think I'll send it as a PM. And by profile you mean song and video right?

30 more posts (9766). 976

yes and number added.
You'll notice 2 N64 games in my gamercard lol

http://smashdomain.net is the PR5 site I added the link to . its in the bottom with the other footer links, where it appears on every page.

Lol, and I'll add the number.
30 posts, at 9796. 30
And I sent you a PM for my FB page, so now that number can be confirmed; the link is in my About Me.
And I fixed my profile video, but the link you gave for a song sucks, and I couldn't find any song I wanted. Do you have another suggestion?
Sorry for the delay, first day back to school and they dropped a ton of work on me >_<

30 posts : 553

Also this website could probably be used for the drawing, it should normally be free for non commercial lotteries.


30 posts, at 9796. 30
And I sent you a PM for my FB page, so now that number can be confirmed; the link is in my About Me.
And I fixed my profile video, but the link you gave for a song sucks, and I couldn't find any song I wanted. Do you have another suggestion?

confirmed. and see PM. and I don't believe I gave you a link for a song?

30+ posts made. I'll take 276 please.

confirmed and edit your post if you need to say more in the future.
  • Made 30 posts = 667
  • Customized my profile by having a song, video, and a background(GTA5 YAY!), also filled out more than three fields = 48
  • Link placement. I own a fair amount of sites because I work online for a living. some are more fair than others though.
-1st: The url has been placed on dinosaurfact(.)net. The site gets around 40,000 UV per month and is one of the top 5 dino info resources online. (Its probably worth about 10 numbers but I wouldn't mind 1:)). the link is on the right panel where it says Parters. = 487
-2nd: A link is at hotelbreakers(.)net which is a search engine for booking hotels. fairly popular site worth one number. Link is at the bottom left widget = 536
-3rd, 4th, 5th: a link at saddamedu(.)info, fishtankaquariums(.)org, bostonhotelprices(.)com. Alone they are not worth a number but all of them combined get about 2K unique visitors per month so I wouldn't mind one number for them = 772
6th & 7th: a link at belowthebarrel(.)com and myretailstories(.)com. BTB is fairly new but getting popular quick at about 60/UV per day, and MRS is at a 25/UV per day. Worth one number = 891
I also linked it a few other places but it wouldn't be fair for me to have this type of advantage in the contest so enjoy some freebee's. Also let me know if its ok the had these number for these links I just mentioned.
  • [font=Times New Roman"]Subscribed to youtube page, Followed on twitter, and liked on facebook = [/font]679
Youtube: http://tinypic.com/r/1pue7c/6
twitter: http://tinypic.com/r/2z5vv4p/6 (that's a real treat. That's my twitter.com/dinosaurs acccount (I got a heck of a lot of followers there).
facebook: http://tinypic.com/r/15yx3bs/6
  • Made 3 debate topics = 480
  • Within all of my posts so far I I have managed to make 11 topics and 19 posts iwith a 24hour time range. I am a bit confused if it was suppose to be 10 topics AND 30 posts or a total of 30 which must include 10 topics. If I'm correct then = 998
Lastly, would a staff please offer advice on the arcade points a bit. I'm a little confused.
-It says at the end to "contact staff to confirm." does that mean just post here? pm.
-Another issue with people gaining tons of highscores all over the place from where I'm looking it will be really tough to track them. Any advice on that?
-Its stacked but is it continuously stacked? (for example. Some guy has a record for two days for 7 games. Collects his point, then a day later loses 3 game scores but obtaines 5 more giving him a total of 9 games but some of them are he just kept his high score for 4days. Would that be considered a correct right to get a point. (Anyone see how confusing this is).
or is it that once a guy gains a score for say 7 games, that is totally over for him and is he thinks he's good enough he will have to earn a highscore for 7 completely different games for two days (or heck win 14 for two days straight away and earn 2 points).

Any assistance?
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