Wii U Pro Controller


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The point of the Wii U is that it has a fancy, touch-screen controller. That may not be suitable for all titles, though. Especially ones being ported from other consoles. For that, much like the Wii, the Wii U will have a Pro Controller, one resembling those of Nintendo's competitors.


good bye motion controller!
Motion controller is not leaving and that controller is shit. Sine when did the right analog stick EVER be where the ABXY buttons are supposed to be?
some people are comparing it to the Xbox 360 controller.

But it's better than N64 controller and this is just their version of a optional controller. I'm sure a 3rd party company will bring out something better.
I am kinda glad that they are using a pro controller as well. I just feel like that massive tablet controller is going to be a big pain and really hard to hold.
I like this too, and I am glad it is like the 360's, but good god does that ABXY button location piss me off.
First thought that came through my drowsy mind was "Hey its a 360 controller...huh" then "Whats with the layout" and then it went further down hill with every thought.

When you think about it though what kind of controller do you accually want for the Wii U? How do you come up with a new design that everyone will take to easy from there own Xbox/PS3 controllers.
As someone who plays a lot of Xbox I must say that this controller judging by the shape is going to fit comfotably.

But the button layout is going to take some getting used to.
I can honestly see myself having some troubles with this one my first time around.

The shape of the controller is so identical to the Xbox 360 controller and as someone who plays the Xbox 360 daily I must say that It will get a bit confusing switching over to the wii U and having a controller that feels like my Xbox 360 controller but has a different button layout.

I may find myself thinking of pressing a or y when really those buttons are now b and x.

If your not a avid 360 player than this will be pretty easy to pic up.

But if you are I think we are going to have some people mess up here and there lol.
I thought you were going to be able to to use the existing Wii remotes? /sarcasm

It looks like the Wii U will be quite the investment. The thing about that controller is that is an awkward movement from right stick to buttons. Its not as natural a motion from the usual lower position to higher for the button. I could see some hand cramping coming from having to keep your thumb placement all the way down there.
Personally, I like it. It looks classy and the layout isn't terribly bad, haha. I could easily picture myself enjoying Geometry Wars with it.
I like it. Looks nice and clean, and I see nothing wrong with the button layout. People need to start trying it before complaining about it before it is even used.
People need to start trying it before complaining about it before it is even used.

Not sure about anyone else, but I actually do not have a problem with the button layout.

It seems just fine to me.

But like I said earlier, the design is pretty similar to the Xbox 360 controller and it may get a bit confusing for some to switch over from 360 to Wii U and use that controller.

The contoller will feel similar to your Xbox 360 controller and even has the same button(a,b,x,y) and for games that have QTEs it will become weird trying to press those buttons since you may actually forget that you are playing with a controller that feels like a Xbox 360 controller but has a completely different layout and may end up pressing x or y when you really meant to press a or b.

But for someone who isn't so used to the 360 controller it will be just fine.

I will get used to it if I ever get one.
Not sure about anyone else, but I actually do not have a problem with the button layout.

It seems just fine to me.

But like I said earlier, the design is pretty similar to the Xbox 360 controller and it may get a bit confusing for some to switch over from 360 to Wii U and use that controller.

The contoller will feel similar to your Xbox 360 controller and even has the same button(a,b,x,y) and for games that have QTEs it will become weird trying to press those buttons since you may actually forget that you are playing with a controller that feels like a Xbox 360 controller but has a completely different layout and may end up pressing x or y when you really meant to press a or b.

But for someone who isn't so used to the 360 controller it will be just fine.

I will get used to it if I ever get one.

I don't have a problem with it either lol. Though it shouldn't be hard to get use to. Remeber the mess of the old Xbox? Those controllers were ridiculous and people got use to them just fine.