Wii U


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Nintendo revealed its new console - The Wii U - during a press conference at E3 this morning. Nintendo didn't provide any details or show off what the console itself looks like.


The name is ridiculous, they barely showed anything. And the only reason I would buy this if I could use that handheld controller to play Wii games without motion controllers.

Seriously Nintendo, this is it?


Nintendo revealed the controller for the Wii U console during its E3 conference this morning.

The controller includes a 6.2 inch touch screen, four triggers - two larger and two smaller - microphone, gyroscope, inward facing camera, a Home button, and an accelerometer.


looks bulky.

read here how it plays
Nope. I don't like that at all. Don't they get it? Controllers are passe. That controller is huge and it looks like a GPS device.
The Wii U looks decent, but I agree that the controller looks quite bulky. Honestly, at first, I thought it was a system of its own. Even then it was slightly bulky, but definitely bulky to be just a controller. Though what is the point of adding a touch screen to the controller when I have always hated getting used to a new controller simply because I have to look at it to use it? That is, shouldn't you be having your eyes on the big screen?
No GameCube? I swear I refuse to buy one if it has no CameCube compatibility.
Hrm... -_-' I'm still disappointed in the overall thing. I MAY get it... Better not be more than $250 though.
Well, for Wii your going to need the motion control for most games. The WiiD uses motion and analog at the same time. Your lazy. >_> lol
WOW, I can not believe so many of you were disappointed by the Wii U. I thought the showing was rather impressive, I was most impressed by the 3rd party support. I also liked the ability to play your game even though some one else is watching TV. I know I will be down at Gamestop making my reservation as soon as you can reserve one.
WOW, I can not believe so many of you were disappointed by the Wii U. I thought the showing was rather impressive, I was most impressed by the 3rd party support. I also liked the ability to play your game even though some one else is watching TV. I know I will be down at Gamestop making my reservation as soon as you can reserve one.

may I ask what was impressive? they showed NOTHING. sure they showed a tech demo or two and a game here and there. but I was left clueless.

While sony showed Vita, I was left without a question.
I'll think about getting it when they have a Fire Emblem game on it...
But really if it can play GC games and brings over the VC then I look into it.
I wasn't impressed because it's just a big gimmick with good games; nothing more.