Will many people continue to use Facebook and Facebook's sites like Instagram in the future?


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Yes, I feel a lot of people will continue to use Facebook, and Facebook owned sites like Instagram in the future because many people these days want to be famous by having a lot of followers on Facebook, Instagram, and promote their content like YouTube videos, blog posts, and forums to their followers.

For new forums, blogs, YouTube channels, and eBay store owners, using sites like Facebook, and Instagram can be one of the more easy and free ways to check out a smaller website like a forum, blog, YouTube channel, or eBay store.

Getting a good search engine position on search engine like Google is becoming harder for a new site, so social networks can be useful for promoting your content if your site is not getting a lot of visitors from search engines.
I never used Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp, and I'd like to continue not using those.
I used Twitter before, but I've switched over to Mastodon last year in April already, when it got really popular in the Japanese media (Mastodon is a worldwide SNS, it just got lots of attention in Japan back then).
I also use LINE, though only the chat portion, not the SNS portion.
Same here never used facebook or instagram cause just a week ago i guess I heard that personal details on social media have been shared.
I sometimes use Facebook when I need to see if a company is still releasing updates for older games, software or apps. A lot of companies don't have an active blog, forum, or website. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter is one of the few ways to contact them, or read press releases and news updates about a company.

A lot of news blogs now embed more social networking posts from Facebook, and Twitter, so I think many people still indirectly use Facebook by clicking the play and like button on a Facebook or Instagram embedded video or viewing an embedded picture from Facebook and Twitter.
I know facebook took a big hit, but I'm not hearing anything about people giving it up.

I think Facebook may end up becoming more popular from all the news they are getting about privacy concerns. There would be some older news viewers who check out Facebook because they learned about it from Fox news. Some news viewers will join Facebook to see what is behind the Facebook login page after logging in. Visitors can't use most of the features like user search and app and games on Facebook, without joining Facebook.

I read gaming news stories of many Facebook gamers who play games like Candy Crush Saga, Farmville, and Mafia Wars for many hours on Facebook games, and recruiting their friends to play the games with them.

Fox news viewers may use Facebook to meet women and men who are interested in meeting people who watch Fox news, and is a dedicated Trump supporter.
Yeah, I think so. Social media is one of the great source of information, news, current events etc. I just using the Facebook messenger most of the time but the main social media, and aside from Facebook, I don't have any social media account.
The only reason which will make me to use Facebook is to advertise things like a forum or website.

I don't like social medias like these ones at all.
Yeah, I think so. Social media is one of the great source of information, news, current events etc. I just using the Facebook messenger most of the time but the main social media, and aside from Facebook, I don't have any social media account.
Except that all the real information, real news, etc. are being censored away from Facebook and Twitter, and instead only fake news that's approved by the US deep state are now allowed on the platform, every opinion that differs from that will result in a shadow ban.
Probably facebook will gone in the future there is no existing thing that could stay forever.

The only reason which will make me to use Facebook is to advertise things like a forum or website.

I don't like social medias like these ones at all.

I do that also sir. because facebook are so prominent these days in the internet world many people used this kind of social media.

Except that all the real information, real news, etc. are being censored away from Facebook and Twitter, and instead only fake news that's approved by the US deep state are now allowed on the platform, every opinion that differs from that will result in a shadow ban.

I agree both of you. Its easy to spread fake news now a days by using social media.

Our world becomes more and more advance now a days so for me facebook will not stay for the future it will gone someday.
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I agree both of you. Its easy to spread fake news now a days by using social media.
It doesn't matter too much in that case.
In the end, US and EU governments are by far the largest producers of fake news, which they are already spreading on all mainstream media from TV to newspaper, from radio to website.
SNS is therefore simply yet another platform to spread their propaganda on.
And due to the duopoly Facebook and Twitter basically have, they can easily push it down everybody's throats too.
Twitter and Facebook can be better for reading news than TV news because members can reply to post, and tell the author of the post that they are spreading fake news which they got from a untrustworthy newspaper or TV news channel.

TV and newspaper news can be unreliable at times because they re-post satire news from sites like "The Onion" which is mostly a comedy websites which make fun of real news. It is also difficult to inform the viewers and news writers on TV news and newspapers that they are spreading fake news.
Not that it matters, US mainstream media is controlled by the deep state, and the EU mainstream media is simply a copy/paste of the US mainstream media translated in 50+ languages with a few local headlines in addition.
However, seeing the political tensions between US and EU growing lately, perhaps that might change in the near future.

And replying to SNS posts made by mainstream media outlets will result in no reply back any way, meaning that all you achieve is that you'll be wasting some of your time writing an opinion that will not even be read any way.
I've lost interest in Facebook many years ago (5 years maybe?) But I go to Instagram to look at food pics along with cat pics.
Not that it matters, US mainstream media is controlled by the deep state, and the EU mainstream media is simply a copy/paste of the US mainstream media translated in 50+ languages with a few local headlines in addition.
However, seeing the political tensions between US and EU growing lately, perhaps that might change in the near future.

And replying to SNS posts made by mainstream media outlets will result in no reply back any way, meaning that all you achieve is that you'll be wasting some of your time writing an opinion that will not even be read any way.

The reporters and staff of TV news channels sometimes reply to their followers, but it is less likely for the TV news channel to reply to their followers.

I think the social comments on TV news Facebook and Twitters are sometimes read by a intern and secretary, but less likely to be read by the reporter or the owner of the TV news station.

People who read the TV news Twitter and Facebook post can also reply to, like, dislike, and read other commenters posts below the main post.
what is it about people and cat pics?

Some people are fans of cats. Cat fans also compare their cat pictures with other people's cat pictures.

There are cat owners who look at cat pics to see how to properly care for their cat. There are larger cat tutorial pictures which have step by step instructions on what type of food you should or should not feed a cat. Pictures are easier to understand than text for some people, and pictures load faster than videos which can take many minutes to fully download on a dial-up and slower mobile internet connection.
I know someone at work, who is always trying to shove their cat pics into my face.

People do like to show pictures of their pets. I think sites like Facebook are good for posting pictures of pets for people to view away from work instead of shoving pictures of pets in people's faces at work where you can get in trouble with the boss for not working, and looking at cat pics during work hours.