Will Sony do another handheld?

I really do not think they will. The Vita and PSP seems to not have done very well in all accounts. I feel like they will stick to the main consoles completely after the seemingly bad sales of PS TV as well.

I just recently got a PS Vita and I've barely used it. The main reason is it comes with no onboard memory. I think that's a huge mistake. I can't play any of the games because they require more than 1 GB and I tried PS Now and it's glitchy as hell. If they put more onboard memory on it and allowed SD cards, or cheaper proprietary memory cards I think the Vita would have been more successful.
I don't think they've given up just yet, but they definitely need to come up with something that sets them apart from the rest. More advertising never hurt anyone either. Advertising has been the downfall of many consoles.
I really doubt they will. With the NX rumours as they are (being a handheld and home console in one) Nintendo have pretty much dominated the market. There will probably be another competitor in the future, but who knows?

As long as it's not Nokia again :p
I don't think Sony will be making another portable console anytime soon. The PS Vita doesn't have much games available here in the US and not much making money compared to the PS4 but on the other hand, in Asia there are multiple or a good list of games available and as well as different color consoles. This is one of the things I can't wait till I get home (somewhere in Asia) coz I can it a bit cheaper as well.. :grin:
I don't think Sony will be making another portable console anytime soon. The PS Vita doesn't have much games available here in the US and not much making money compared to the PS4 but on the other hand, in Asia there are multiple or a good list of games available and as well as different color consoles. This is one of the things I can't wait till I get home (somewhere in Asia) coz I can it a bit cheaper as well.. :grin:

Vita is doing slightly better in Japan but only because there are more games that weren't released outside of Japan sadly.