Will you be buying any tech products on Black Friday Sales?


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No, I don't plan on buying anything tech related on Black Friday sales.
Black Friday isn't really a thing here so hadn't thought about it
Not sure yet. I'll check around to see if there's anything I like at a discounted price tho.
I think Black Friday sales mostly happen in America and Canada. But, a lot of internet shopping sites which are not American or Canadian may also have Black Friday and Cybermonday sales to get American and non-American customers to shop at their website.
I don't think there is any tech I need so I'll pass, granted I could use a new phone but I doubt black friday is the time for that.

Black Friday could be a good time to get an unlocked/no contract phone which is not locked into one cell phone service provider. Some Prepaid phones may have a few good sales during Black Friday.

But, Black Friday may not be a good time to get a phone which is locked to a contract where you need to pay a monthly bill to slowly pay off the phone over a year or more based on the term of the contract.
Black Friday could be a good time to get an unlocked/no contract phone which is not locked into one cell phone service provider. Some Prepaid phones may have a few good sales during Black Friday.

But, Black Friday may not be a good time to get a phone which is locked to a contract where you need to pay a monthly bill to slowly pay off the phone over a year or more based on the term of the contract.

locked or unlocked, there is always a long time fee to pay.
locked or unlocked, there is always a long time fee to pay.

I agree, there is always a long time fee to pay if you want to use your smartphone for making calls and text with a cell phone service provider.

Prepaid phone plans don't need a long time fee, but you lose your phone number if you pay each month. But, there are no expensive cancellation fee, and the requirement to buy your phone at full price, or higher than full price if you cancel early.
Maybe it just me but I think that some plans where you get a phone included are a rip off because you could end up paying more for the phone then you would if you brought it outright
Always have a look, but don't intend on it. I heard most tech stuff is made cheap and more likely to break on Black Friday as they rush stock.
Always have a look, but don't intend on it. I heard most tech stuff is made cheap and more likely to break on Black Friday as they rush stock.

I also heard the same that most stuff made on Black Friday is more likely to break. Buying an extended warranty can be a good idea.

But, I feel buyers who buy a $25 Google Android tablet, or $10 Toaster oven would be satisfied if it lasted 1-3 years since they paid less money for it, and just need a cheap tablet or Toaster for a college dorm, and may plan to give it away when they finish the semester, and go back home in the summer.

But, I think the low demand products like Toasters, Refrigerators, and USB Flash drive maybe the same quality as the non-Black Friday stock, and stores just want to sell these products at a cheap price to make room for toys
Nope. I have to work 12:30-9 so I can't really go anywhere anyway...
If anyone is looking for a laptop with an i5 with 12 gb of ram in it, I know Staples will be selling one at like $500. That's a steal.

That's a good deal. $500 laptops usually come with a slower Intel i3 or Pentium, and 8GB RAM.