I've been messing with it today. So far my reaction is "yup, it's Windows".
I am digging the new start menu. I like the more simplistic look, because I always thought the live tiles looked tacky on Windows 8 and 10. I also always thought it was bit annoying when the Microsoft software or things from the app store had a tile icon, but basically anything else had the "old school" icons, so seeing those on the start menu kind of looked like a design clash.
Nice, I'll check it out in a few years, maybe.
I’m gonna do the same, I rely on my computer because I’m starting a new YouTube channel up so I can’t afford to lose computer access.I probably wait a few years before I try it out myself unless Microsoft let people test out Windows 11 by using a Windows 11 simulator web app on Microsoft.com website.
And here I am, wishing Windows XP would still be a viable option to use for the rest of my life...
Well, I certainly don'tAnd I'm assuming even if I did, it would run into compatibility issues with newer games and such
The military has proprietary software that can run on OS’s that are nearing 40 years oldIt's actually crazy to think that there are some hospitals and even military branches that are still using Windows XP :oops:
The military has proprietary software that can run on OS’s that are nearing 40 years old