Worldwide population in jeopardy?


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Would you say that the human race's population could be at risk in the near or far off future? There are more and more people not wanting to have kids. It's coming to light that China's one kid only rule led to more males than females in their population as well as the ever expanding resource shortages, war and diseases.

This of course will have ripple effects like not enough people to fill jobs and keep smaller towns populated.
I think the world's population could be in jeopardy because violent crimes, war, diseases, hunger, and natural disasters like Tornados and Earth quake killing a lot of people.

A lot of people now use dating and social network websites where users can increase their chances of finding a partner to have a child with. I feel as more people use dating websites and social networks, more people may find a partner to have a child with which could lead to the world's population increasing more where the world's population is not in jeopardy from being underpopulated.
Money from Covid coming back to bite the smallest unit in government, the family with a higher price to live, no one is incentivized to have a family. When our US government already has means with child support and then decides to raise taxes for someone else's kids that are far from yours and you never even knew the mom or even the dad, that adds up. and then only the rich can afford to have a family. I get it there are more men than women. Who are they going to plan to send into war? What's that? Covid also wiped a lot of working-class out. I can't wait for AI and robotics to help fill those jobs, but I have no idea how we can fill in those empty voids where a woman can be and that's not where this culture is headed.
The world population is still increasing because people are living longer. It's never going to reach a point where there just aren't enough people to fill even unskilled positions till every country in the world reaches first world living standards which isn't happening in your or your children's lifetimes.
In the meantime even as birth rates go down, life expectancy will keep increasing which will rise fast enough to offset birthrate declines and the population might keep increasing.
In the decades that will follow, we will either head towards a type of utopia where technology makes life so much easier that even the concept of work is obsolete and we spend our time doing things making us happy or pursuing knowledge or we head into a dystopia that is ravaged by climate change and desertification and pollution and we need to live in climate controlled spaces that shields us from the outside and wars over resources may be common. Population in the latter will obviously be a fraction of what it is now.
I think immigration could prevent most democratic countries populations from declining where it is very noticeable. There are some countries like Russia, Iran, etc where a lot of people are leaving to live in countries like the US and Canada.
Yeah I definitely think this could become a problem in future, i'm finding a lot of people my age are not looking to have kids.
Makes you wonder who will take care of us when we get older.

I think immigrants will take care of us in the future because there are many poor people in 3rd world countries who want to move to 1st world countries with better paying jobs, and reliable healthcare and food sources.

There are also people who dislike their home country, and want to see if their life improves by moving to another country like America and Canada which may have more available jobs related to tech, gaming, and entertainment.
I think immigrants will take care of us in the future because there are many poor people in 3rd world countries who want to move to 1st world countries with better paying jobs, and reliable healthcare and food sources.

There are also people who dislike their home country, and want to see if their life improves by moving to another country like America and Canada which may have more available jobs related to tech, gaming, and entertainment.

This is a sad reality. People leaving their countries to relocate to a new place just to find job and earn.
Yeah I definitely think this could become a problem in future, i'm finding a lot of people my age are not looking to have kids.

Seriously, it's becoming a worry. Some that do, only want just a kid.
This is a sad reality. People leaving their countries to relocate to a new place just to find job and earn.

I agree it is very sad that people need to relocate to a new place to find a job to afford food and shelter.

I feel climate change causing very hot weather and tropical storms are causing more people to move to richer countries because many people in poor countries don't earn enough money to afford cooling devices like a fan and electricity to power their electric cooling fan, and air conditioning to prevent heat related health problems like heatstroke, dehydration, and thirst.
By Human United States law, you can leave the dad to be with the mom, even if he isn't a deadbeat.

To be self-reliant and have a family, house, cars, and a few nice things.
Yeah, that's right about the American dream. Some of American laws can be worrying.
By Human United States law, you can leave the dad to be with the mom, even if he isn't a deadbeat.

To be self-reliant and have a family, house, cars, and a few nice things.

Oh wow! I never knew that it was what it meant. Thanks for teaching me about it.
I think the world population may increase if society count computer chips and robots with human brain tissue as people when robots with human brain tissue start having emotions and thoughts like humans. I read a few news articles that the military will be investing in computer chip with human and mice brain tissue. The chip learn to play pong in 5 minutes according to Computer chip with built-in human brain tissue gets military funding .