Would you spend more money on a better HDMI or DVI cable for a Gaming PC monitor?


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I would buy an average price HDMI cable which has good reviews for my Gaming PC monitor. I'm concerned cheaper lower quality HDMI cables maybe poorly made where the metal plugs easily break off and the cable is not very flexible.
DVI is not really worth using. The quality from them is not as good as HDMI. Plus support for them has pretty much dried up and you'll more than likely be forced to use an adapter to HDMI anyway.

As for cheap HDMI cables... honestly you'd be pretty hard pressed to tell the difference between a cheap and expensive cable. Any difference in video quality due to cable will be miniscule at best. (Unless the cable is broken outright of course.)
These days its either hdmi 1 or hdmi 2. I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but I run my PS4 on hdmi 2.
These days its either hdmi 1 or hdmi 2. I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but I run my PS4 on hdmi 2.

I think it maybe harder to find a HDMI 1.0 cable because it got released on December 9, 2002 according to HDMI - Wikipedia

But, at discount stores like a dollar store, I sometimes still see HDMI 1.4 cables. HDMI 1.4 got released in May 28, 2009.