You must take breaks while gaming


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"I was playing Call of Duty", Norwegian teenager Henrik Eide Dahl told The Local. "Then everything went dark and I passed out."

Dahl, 14, had been playing the shooter on his school's LAN with friends when, taking a break in the cafeteria, he collapsed. Rushed to hospital, his kidneys failed and he slipped into a coma.

Turns out he'd consumed 4 litres of energy drinks to sustain the session, which far exceeds any kind of manufacturer's warning or shred of common sense.

He ended up spending 13 days in hospital, and still has to take drugs to control his high blood pressure.

"It was severely life-threatening", says Anne Kathrine Duns, one of the doctors who treated him. "The central nervous system, cardiovascular system, lungs and kidneys were affected."

While they can't be certain on the causes of such an adverse reaction, since he doesn't have any existing medical conditions, "for now we are attributing this to the consumption of large amounts of energy drink".

So, those of you without a sense of care for your fragile human body, let this be a reminder: if you're going to game for 16 hours, may be try and stay awake the old-fashioned way. Or, you know, get some sleep, you crazy kid.

that's too extreme, by any standards. This is what happens when you play too much. =(
I think this was just more of a problem of drinking energy drinks. 0_0
I also feel it is the energy drinks which made him collapse. I'm surprise his school let students play computer games on its LAN/Network, and the school's computer lab or classroom is open 16 hours.
froggyboy604 said:
I also feel it is the energy drinks which made him collapse. I'm surprise his school let students play computer games on its LAN/Network, and the school's computer lab or classroom is open 16 hours.
that raises some red flags because the campus should have shut down after 12 hours.
I think the energy drinks definitely had something to do with it. I've seen streamers on Twitch have 24h+ plus game sessions, sometimes upwards of about 40h - which is insane as well, but I never hear about something like this happening. After a day or two they're back to streaming just fine.
Sarah said:
I think the energy drinks definitely had something to do with it. I've seen streamers on Twitch have 24h+ plus game sessions, sometimes upwards of about 40h - which is insane as well, but I never hear about something like this happening. After a day or two they're back to streaming just fine.
everyone is different, others can handle things better. But Most are pushing it at 5 hours.
I think 4 litres is just a BIT TOO much of a energy drink dosage. But this should be a good message to everyone that we should all take breaks during our gaming sessions.
That is totally insane. I don't drink much energy drinks but know the disadvantages of over consuming them. It is sad how these news pop up a couple of times a month. I don't personally play much just because I don't have time. Despite it, if I play I like to take breaks and do something else than playing.
Jesus. 4L of energy drinks. That's what did it. I sleep 3-4 hours a night and nevee go over a litre on energy drinks in a day.

The other part of the problem is that this kid was playing Call of Duty. If he was playing something more wholesome, like a Mario game Nintendo would constantly be telling him to take breaks..
I don't think I would have been allowed energy drinks at 14 years old. I didn't start staying up late until I was around 16, the most I would do was an allnighter usually for college then hand in the work try and stay up until the afternoon and sleep through until the next morning. When attending LANs I think the most I managed was at an iSeries event where I did not sleep for 2 and a half days.

My body told me I had enough so I got a taxi to a local hotel took a shower and slept like a log. The hotel women could not even get me to wake up to check out, I woke up at 3pm hours after the checking out time but for some reason she did not charge me more just smiled and let me go lol.
Take it from me I have been gaming since 1984 and I am pushing 40 years old. And because I have had so many long gaming sessions my hand starts cramping up on me. Its the start of carpal tunnel. Now I take breaks because its not going to be too much longer before its too painful for me to game.

I think people are different, and this isn't that much issue about the school, the gaming or the drinks as about overexerting yourself. I know people that do 5 energy drinks in a roll and nothing. Also people who can play for a lot longer and be fine. I think the lesson here would be, if you play that long, probably try to sustain yourself on something better than energy drinks. Blaming it on a game is ridiculous.
Well he probably didn't have too much to eat either.. many things could have come into play.. I know I drank 4 of those 5 hour energies once when I was driving across country and but I DID eat, even still, after 36 hours of non-stop driving and chugging those bad boys, I started hallucinating really bad and ended up getting a free hotel room so I didn't go kill myself. If I didn't eat, I'd probably have felt the effect alot stronger. On the bottles it says not to take more than 2 in a 24 hour period.. oops.
I do think the problem was less about gaming and more about other things but either way, you should stand up every once in awhile to stretch your legs. Also stretch your fingers a bit. Occasionally, you can even look at something in the distance for awhile during breaks, like out the window. These simple things alone are things that can possibly prevent you from having major issues. Too much gaming is definitely bad, but so many people are very healthy and have gamed 12+ hours a day without issue. Just know your limits I guess.
Uhm, what the ...?

Why would he drink 4 liters of energy drink? That's madness. To be honest I don't think this had anything to do with the fact that he was playing games, I think it was only a problem with the huge consumption of energy drink. I never drink energy drinks, because I know that there are just so many weird things in those drinks... I mean, there are lots of chemicals and whatnot in soda, but the mostly bad thing about soda is sugar... Energy drink, who knows what that might contain? Taurine, caffeine + lots of other stuff I have no clue what they are.

Gaming just 5 hours at a time is hard for some people? That's quite surprising. On a normal weekend I probably play from 8-12 hours per day, unless I have work/homework/something important to do that is. I have no problem playing every moment I am awake, apart from eating/going to the bathroom/etc that is. I suppose it depends on what game it is you are playing. Some games I can't play more than 20 minutes at a time without taking a break, and others I can play for hours on end without ever getting bored.

Dota 2 is the game I just never stop playing. It's not because it's "fun", it's more so that I'm so addicted to it that I can't get enough of it. I've already spoken quite a lot about my dota 2 addiction in my introduction thread... So I'll spare y'all the time effort to read that stuff again ;)
The problem here is definitely the energy drinks. Why the hell would you take that much of an Energy Drink and not have second thoughts? I've never had an advertised "Energy drink" and don't see how a 14 year old needs it to play for a couple extra hours. It's saddening.
O_0 16 hours of straight gaming, I wouldn't even be able to do that if I was playing the most fun game in the world with my friends, even with coffee.
I didn't know parents allowed their kids to drink energy drinks, since I always doubted kids need it anyway, and even then, I'm surprised to hear that they didn't at least issue him a warning. Granted, I understand that things slip every now and again when it comes to raising kids, but from what little I know of this story, I can't help but feel that he is neglected.