Your Top 5 Games of All Time 2011


If you're on this site, then chances are that you enjoy playing video games. And if you enjoy playing video games, you probably have some favorites, right? Well, this topic is the perfect place to discuss your favorite games... top 5 favorite games, that is.

List your top 5 favorite games, and make sure you say what system it's for. And I want reasons why you like the games, people. Don't just post something like this:

1. Fun Bunnies 2
2. Magical Molestation


1. Crash Bandicoot 3: WARPED (PlayStation)

My first console game ever. And may I say that it was a masterpiece of a game. It took the great formula of Crash and Crash 2, and improved upon it by adding new levels, a cool main hub, funny idle and death animations, challenging time trials, a new character to play as, and not much more, but more nontheless! Seriously, this is way up there along with the Marios and the Sonics. No matter how much Mario continues to amaze me, this will always remain as my number one favorite game of all time. Also, the tunes are catchy.

2. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

The reason why I wanted a Wii. Oh, god, I wanted this game so freakin' badly. And I waited so long to get a Wii so I could play it. It was an awesome feeling when I finally got to make Mario run around in the Starbit Festival and do long jumps. It may have been a pain in the ass sometimes (Daredevil runs), but it was fun.

3. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)

Took SMG and made it better. I don't have much to say.

4. Sonic Mega Collection Plus (PS2/XBOX)

The value here is incredible. 20 classic games for 20 bucks? Not to mention that you also get cool extras along with the original manuals for the games. So, we get all this for 20 dollars, yet the Super Mario All Stars Collection has only 4 games, a short soundtrack and a lame art book that gets old after the first few reads, and we have to pay 30 for it? Lol?

5. Star Wars Battlefront 2 (PS2/XBOX)

Yeah, I know. I said that I don't like shooters. This is the only one I like. I've been playing it for a long time and I've just grown to enjoy it. *shrug*
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Of all time? Or just 2011. I'm confused :/
Pokemon Black Version

I've played the japanese game with an English patch on it and have completed it, and cannot wait for the actual English release. It's as fun as any other pokemon game, and I just love the wifi additions. This game has a little bit of everything for any pokemon fan. It's a nicely put together game.

Pokemon Heart Gold Version


Yeah I know, it's Cliche', but I love this game. I knew they'd remake Gold Version eventually, and when I heard it was going to be released, I was excited. I rommed the japanese version with an english patch on my DS flashcart and beat the game, when the actual english game was released, I bought it and beat it again and am still playing it. This game is pretty much the same as gen 2 with some additons and online functionality. The big surprise was getting the item that let you revert the game's music to it's original GB goodness. This game will always be a favorite of mine because I played the original Gold Version for the Gameboy Color quite a bit as a kid. I had a lot of good time playing Pokemon with my friends in the past.

Yoshi's Island


Another game that shaped my childhood, this game was hours of fun and I spent a lot of time on this amazing game. I was excited when the sequel came out on the ds.

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong-Quest


A game I could never beat sa a kid, but was so addicting I couldn't help but love it. It has a great soundtrack built in and was a nicely put together game. To me, this game is a Legend.

Megaman x6


I can't explain it..This game was annoyingly difficult..yet I loved it. I rented it many times from Blockbuster Video as a kid. I eventually got the game for myself and could not beat it. I eventually beat the game and later purchased Megaman X collection for the Gamecube. I love pretty much any Megaman game.

It's really hard for me to just pick 5 games, as I love so many of them.
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So difficult. Lemme' see.


1. Super Mario 64 - Being an adult, I grew up to see the transition from 2-D to 3-D. I loved exploring, and replayed it over and over again.
2. Super Mario World - Awesome level design and gameplay. This game never gets old.
3. New Super Mario Bros. Wii - I love platformers, and bringing the chaotic, four player multi-player to the series made it all the better.
4. Super Mario Sunshine - I love 3-D Mario, and I loved the addition of FLUDD to the game, as well as the design.
5. Paper Mario 64 - The first Paper Mario game. It was so different and amazing, I replay it all the time. I love the design.
5: Pokemon SoulSilver
This is a great game. I was slow getting into it and didn't know anything (it was the first Pokemon game I'd bought and owned for an extended period of time), so I had it for a really long time before I actually played that much, but now it dominates a lot of my time, so it deserves a spot.
4: Ocarina of Time
This game pretty much shaped my early childhood along with the menagerie of other N64 games my brother had. He owned Majora's Mask too, but the overall horror theme of that made me stay away.

3: Roller Coaster Tycoon 3
This was another game that helped me throughout my early years in that my first major friends became acquainted with me through discussions of it. It being fourth grade, I don't remember what we talked about, but it made school more fun for me. The main reason this isn't higher is that though I did originally make these friends through RCT3, I would almost certainly have started hanging out with them anyway, albeit a bit later (they live nearby).
2: Ace Attorney (series)
These are, and will stay for at least a few years, my favorite games ever. I got into them pretty late, having first owned them as WiiWare, and the deep plot and kickass music pretty much propelled me through all 3 original titles in less than a month. The next month was spent trying to get AAI because it was nowhere for some reason. Although I do hate Apollo Justice, I will say that much.
1: Super Mario 64 DS
I can't recall ever really thinking this game superior to anything on its own, but it has done more for me than any other could have. It was the primary sandbox for the Action Replay DS, which I got after having had fun with the Gamecube version. I got PhantomLuigi into AR as well, and he found me Nintenzone, a site without have which I wouldn't be nearly as informed about games as I currently am, I would never have gotten GIMP, and I wouldn't have heard about this site, which I'm sure all of you wanted to hear. :3 It was also the main interest PL and I shared at the time.
1. Mother 3
2. Metal Gear Solid 3
3. The World Ends With You
4. Pokemon Silver
5. Animal Crossing
1. Phantasy Star Online (Dreamcast, Gamecube, PC)

Seriously, this game is freaking awesome. I remember the first few months I had it, I couldn't decide on a class to use, but eventually settled on RAcast so I would be away from the enemies, yet I found it boring so I changed to HUcast, and suddenly... RAcast was beautiful. Gah, so much nostalgia... I need a moment here... *Sniff*

2. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64)

Ah, Majora, you terrifying son of a *****. I'm so glad I didn't understand anything going on besides "Moon falling, you kill monsters now." Even now, I'll try to get the ol' N64 to work just so I can swim around the Great Bay as Zora Link.

3. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)

Yeah, I like Brawl more than Melee. Boo-freakin'-hoo. I only have three problems with this game; the camera limitations, the replay time limit, and Pit.

4. Jet Force Gemini (N64)

That is all.

5. Banjo Tooie (N64)

I vaguely recall worrying about damaging the cartridge while attempting the Stop'n'Swap thing... This game was awesome then, and it's awesome now. End of story.
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So difficult. Lemme' see.


1. Super Mario 64 - Being an adult, I grew up to see the transition from 2-D to 3-D. I loved exploring, and replayed it over and over again.
2. Super Mario World - Awesome level design and gameplay. This game never gets old.
3. New Super Mario Bros. Wii - I love platformers, and bringing the chaotic, four player multi-player to the series made it all the better.
4. Super Mario Sunshine - I love 3-D Mario, and I loved the addition of FLUDD to the game, as well as the design.
5. Paper Mario 64 - The first Paper Mario game. It was so different and amazing, I replay it all the time. I love the design.

Mario fan, much?
Of all time or of 2011? You put of All Time 2011.
Unless you mean of All Time as of 2011 insisting there will be one each year though it's at the point where you might as well just cut off the 2011 because the likeliness of someone posting of All Time as of 2008 would be incredibly unlikely.
5. Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons
Couldn't split these two games up. Playing them both together using the password system is one of the greatest gaming experiences ever. Seeing what you do in one game cross over and affect the other game is cool, plus playing the two games together let you unlock the true ending.
4. Sonic the Hedgehog 2
It's Sonic at his best. Great level design, music, and art direction.
3. Resident Evil 4
I never got tired of this game. A lot of games that are over 15 hours, even if I'm enjoying them, start to lose my attention before I can finish the game. I beat this game a couple of times, enjoying the experience even more with each playthrough. The controls on the Wii are absolutely perfect for the game.
2. Bioshock
Masterpiece; that's what comes to mind when I think of this game. The setting and atmosphere are nailed perfectly and the story had a great plot twist, but what really got me was the good ending for the game. I really enjoyed the gameplay and the way the story was presented through recordings so that you could walk around and explore while still getting a full story without loads of cut scenes.
1. Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
This is my #1 game until something can trump the nostalgia I have for it. I like just about every aspect of this game, especially the music. The great art style of the game is still my favorite look for Zelda and I wish there were more Celda's on the home consoles.

Honorable Mentions
Batman: Arkham Asylum, Mass Effect 1&2, Left 4 Dead, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, Minecraft, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl
1.Paper Mario:the thousand year door
2.Yoshi's Island(gba)
3.Mario & Luigi:Superstar saga
4.Super Mario Galaxy 2
5.Paper Mario
hrmmm.... id have to say

#5 Mariokart Double Dash- My first mariokart game, was used to street racing type games and didnt know about these types of racing games and when i played this for the first time i absolutely fell in love with it, was quite disappointed when my brother got rid of it.

#4 Sonic Adventure 2 Battle- Chaos 'nuff said.

#3 Gran Theft Auto: San Andreas- Loved causing havoc in the different cities of the game, never even beat the game. Just loved starting fires and blowing up the fire trucks before they even get there, loved killing people, having the paramedics come to revive the people, revive them, and then kill the medic and the patient again
. ahhh great times, greeeaaat times.

#2 Metroid Prime: Hunters- Absolutely incredible first person shooter on the ds, and actually my first shooter to own. played the game every night, easily did over 5000+ wifi matches, just loved the game.

Now for the number one spot....

Animal Crossing: Wild World- The game just completely blew my mind, spent sooo much time into it, loved the wifi, loved it being handheld, soo much rooms inside the home, a lot of furniture to choose from....sad thing about it is that i cheated in the game, which really killed the fun of the game.