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  • So, you know how... old grudges die out? Wait, they do die out, right? If someone was to join here? Would you put everything behind you, and just accept this guy, and let him in and... well you don't have to prepare a royal banquet or something, but you know... just not instantly jump on the Admin CP and ban him? Yeah, you know who I mean right?
    No reason... *shifty eyes* ...okay, to be honest, I was going through a "China everything" phase so I just set it at that and now I actually made a few of the newer members think I'm from China, hah.
    Also, I can't log in to my NintendoChannel account, it keeps saying "your account will be automatically unlocked in 1 minutes"
    This is NC. Before you give me a warning, I haven't been trying to start fights. I've been defending myself against his threats to "expose me", of course, I removed them, so you can't see 'em...
    Good question -- is it possible to even get rid of the limit? So, I'd be able to copy out the entire text of all 7 Harry Potter novels and post it in a visitor message, without any limitations? Obviously I wouldn't, but without limits, I could, right?
    Well that's weird... I sent someone a 399 character message, and it only sent 357 characters with ... at the end (i.e. 360 in total), yet this one went slighly further sending 385 characters, or 388 including the ... so, it's a case of cutting of visitor messages completely randomly. I'll be surprised if this message gets through in full. And just to test it, Nintendo sucks, Sony ro...
    Do you know why visitor messages seem to get cut off after 357 characters, adding ... to make up 360 characters, even if the visitor message isn't 400 characters? For proof of this, if I just deliberately start typing something so that this message has the number of characters required to proof it I'm almost certain that there'll be three dots right here and if you can see this part...
    Did you manage to listen to the Shy Guy Beach thing in that topic? As I said, in said topic, it's not the absolute final product, and he's still tweaking things.
    Hi Nin,
    Is there any reason I'm unable to post in the shoutbox (as in, do I have to reach a certain number of posts first)?
    Sorry for the late response, yeah I can't say I fit in with the gamefaqs community myself. I got tired of everyone there acting like they knew more than everyone else and even if they are wrong your a noob. So, i left.
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