Umm, I'm trying to do a topic in the forum section and it wont let me O_O it keeps saying "Please enter a post" or something. AND I'VE ENTERED A POST!?!? D:
I'm doing alright, having trouble with finding time to get onto this site. But don't you worry i'll be getting a computer soon and you'll see more of me around here. I've also been busy with ocarina of time 3d. Tryign to collect all the skull tokens.
Nin, out of curiosity, will you be getting/already have OoT 3D? Or are you going to wait until some other games come out to get a 3DS, if you don't already have one?
That's... The exact same message I was trying to tell Sideli, actually.
That's why I asked him. Just to make sure it wasn't a ban HERE he was trying to bypass.