S S Sman X Jul 10, 2011 Absolutely, but it feels like it only takes the edge off, and as weird as it sounds our water reserves are almost dried up due to lack of rain. we have water restrictions now
Absolutely, but it feels like it only takes the edge off, and as weird as it sounds our water reserves are almost dried up due to lack of rain. we have water restrictions now
S S Sman X Jul 10, 2011 Lol no I went over to my parents house to see them, just took me a bit to respond...heat isnt helping though.
Lol no I went over to my parents house to see them, just took me a bit to respond...heat isnt helping though.
S S Sman X Jul 10, 2011 Street fighter is pretty decent, and yeah I live in america. Tell ya what, I live in texas. I will trade you a copy of Ocarina for loads of rain.
Street fighter is pretty decent, and yeah I live in america. Tell ya what, I live in texas. I will trade you a copy of Ocarina for loads of rain.
C C Cobra King Jul 10, 2011 Then you can private message the friends you wish to add, or comment on their profiles like you did to me. Other that idk what 2 tell ya.
Then you can private message the friends you wish to add, or comment on their profiles like you did to me. Other that idk what 2 tell ya.
S S Sman X Jul 10, 2011 Lol, thanks. I look at it as gamers gotta stick together, especially since there are so many people down on it in the world.
Lol, thanks. I look at it as gamers gotta stick together, especially since there are so many people down on it in the world.
C C Cobra King Jul 10, 2011 Well, no biggie. If you want to register more friends, you can post your FC in the friend code forums in 3DS console discussion
Well, no biggie. If you want to register more friends, you can post your FC in the friend code forums in 3DS console discussion