Heck, everyone else is getting involved so I thought I would too! Here's a background for the clouds, 640x480 in BMP format (is there a format restriction? I had 'em as PNGs but there's no quality different with the conversion, probably just file size, but eh) and I tested them side by side as they would look in a game, and it looks pretty seamless to me!
If you want PNGs, I can send you those files quick smart. Actually, hell, here's the links to them (About a 900KB difference in size, so probably best to use PNGs if you can!):
You don't have to give me any prizes like you have been, I'm just happy to help out here and there!
EDIT: Just discovered I can't bloody post BMPs, heh. Explains why everybody has been doing attachments. The images I have up here now are PNGs, hope that's all right with you Dantheman!