Anyone still play PS Vita?

We still have a PS Vita however it hardly gets used now. My eldest son is the one that uses it most if it ever gets used.
If you're in to Sly Cooper, I believe the HD trilogy is available along with Thieves in Time. Gravity Rush, Uncharted: Golden Abyss, and Killzone: Mercenary are all great games. Drgaon's Crown, Shovel Knight, Rogue Legacy, and a bunch of other indies are all well suited to the Vita.
I use my Vita more than any other system I own. I have more games for it than any other system as well (although PS4 is catching up). I absolutely adore my Vita and it's given me more than my money's worth in enjoyment. There's still lots of Vita games releasing this year that I'm looking forward to as well, so my Vita is very far from being dead.
Its something I've looked into getting a couple of times recently, it seems expensive though and I'm not sure if it is worth buying when I already have a huge backlog of PS4 games to play.