My boss at work prohibits workers, females especially, coming to the workplace with short skirts or bumshots. He said that it is a means of distraction at the workplace. Do your workplace let such happen?
Now they are based on the heat. Before we had to wear jeans.
So, the weather is a determining factor for it?
That and they wont turn down the AC, lol.
Definitely, there's nothing wrong with them plus there's too much heat now.
Why would they be distracted?How about the distraction for the men in the office?
Why would they be distracted?
If you're focused on your work, you won't be distracted cos a lady wore short.Because of how the ladies are dressed.
If you're focused on your work, you won't be distracted cos a lady wore short.
It depends on libido level, lol.
Hmmmm, maybe or maybe not. But as for me, that's not gonna happen.
I try to stay focused too, lol.
I will only complain if the clothes are too short and too tight.
Yeah, that's the only way it would get my attention.A cloth can be short and tight. I mean those type that can make a man turn around.
Yeah, that's the only way it would get my attention.